February 2015 TOTM - Your Favorite Rig | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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February 2015 TOTM - Your Favorite Rig


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
October 20, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Pulaski, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Explorer/2002 F-250
For the 1st TOTM in 2015, yes we took a break for January, we will be having a contest with the them: Your Favorite Rig. This can be your own or a rig that someone else has built. It can be a trailer queen, daily driver, or beat up off road rig. You Decide!

We will be holding nominations until the end of the 1st week in February!

Get to nominating!

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4pointslow's truck



total freaking sleeper!

..I'm voting for the Ranger...:)

I vote for CvrnRth.

Just a clean build with enough done to get you pretty far, without being to over the top. Plus I am partial to the look of 33s without a body lift :D



My favorite rig is my X sittin on 35s :)

A lot of nice rigs out there, but I've become very partial to my 91...


Jill of all trades?

Johnbyler's X on 35's is dang hard to beat, what with the confederate flag plate and the white fenders. His X almost looks like a vehicular version of Larry the Cable Guy more so than Tow Mater from Cars! LoL. Awesome! I could see my X with 35's some day, but, I may just get another 2-door Jeep Cherokee for my dedicated off-roader and leave my X to what I've built her up for so far: being a Jill of all Trades! Dunno if that works, just figured female equivalent of Jack is Jill, and I see my X as a lady. LoL. Anyway, it's hard not to appreciate all my X is and does for me, so she's still my fave!

You don't have to be Elite to nominate your favourite ,,

this is a game anybody can play ,,

offer up your faves,,,

I'm nominating GMAN!



I nominate vroomzoomboom because I wanted to make my 91 (before I found EF LOL) a lowered street truck with a V8 conversion. As you know the rest is history!


I nominate vroomzoomboom because I wanted to make my 91 (before I found EF LOL) a lowered street truck with a V8 conversion. As you know the rest is history!


thanks, but my last comment wasnt a sympathy ploy...

Thanks Colin, it's been through so many stages sometimes I forget how it looked until I see pics like this.

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Shamelessly putting this here, after all the work I did to get it running again


Got 31'' shoes on it right now
