2020 Ford Bronco!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2020 Ford Bronco!!


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The Legendary Ford Bronco - SUV Returning by Popular Demand | Ford.com

6th Generation of the Bronco is coming!!
2020 Bronco, rumors and concepts have been flying around since 1996 when the last Bronco was rolled off the assembly line

What will it be? Based on the new Ranger? Based on the Focus?
Or will it be something all new, offroad competition for the Jeep?
I can tell you this, it will probably be better then the Bronco II no matter what they produce!!


Press releases show one official picture:

Everyone is guessing it will share a drivetrain and parts with the 2019 Ranger

Anyone have any insider information?
See something I missed?

I see this picture floating around not sure its the same rig that's under the cover above

Post it up!

Long live the Bronco nameplate!!

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Based on the tarp covered picture could it be a two door? Not much room between front and rear wheels. . Even if the tarped rig looks like a "yeep". . . Good to see the exterior mounted spare.

Although I wouldn't want a four door, felt certain that Ford would not build anything (other than the Mustang) with only two doors. . . figured the market would not support it. Excited if it looks like the web version that's been floating around for a few years, much more than the above "rounded off" variant which it hopefully is not - - and not nearly boxy enough for the tarp.

'91 Sport

I agree
My guess is it will be a 4 door cab, perhaps the rear two doors will be suicide like an FJ cruiser?

I agree with you I cannot imagine Ford making another 3 door SUV, they just never held any sort of value what so ever (BII, FSB, Explorer Sport) except for the Early Bronco. So unless they are very bold and dead set on making it alot like a 2 door jeep or an early bronco I think we will see 4 doors

I am hoping that Ford will finally build the "Jeep Eater" they talked about back in 1999-2000. It would be great if they offered both and two and four door version, like the Jeep's have available.

There are supposed to be two distinct Broncos coming out, a baby Bronco and a larger one. Reports have said the baby Bronco will be built on the Fiesta platform:eek:

A bronco III !!!! When the last concept bronco was built on the focus I was like "okay relax, it's just a concept vehicle" and then the Ford Escape came out..........

I am hoping that Ford will finally build the "Jeep Eater" they talked about back in 1999-2000. It would be great if they offered both and two and four door version, like the Jeep's have available.

I have been doing some periodical shopping for a new multipurpose vehicle and the new JL is fairly impressive, I would love for the bronco to come out in 4 doors and similar in capabilities.

I was really hoping for something special here, but I have already given up, and figure Ford is going to screw this up. I hope I'm wrong.

So instead I'm building my own (shameless plug here) and I'll pick up a new Ranger instead.

pickup a new ranger LOL
$35k+!!!!!! wowee

I'm still holding out for the "big" Bronco and really hope they don't screw it up.

Escape / New Ranger "thoughts" vs. Raptor "thoughts" . . .

I've absolutely no mass production knowledge or experience, but can't help but think the Ford will use the new Ranger "parts bin" for whatever ends up as the Bronco - - too cost effective not to. And that looks kind of what the reddish photo looks like.

And wasn't the first generation Escapes, built on the Contour platform? ? ? So a mini-Bronco on a Focus platform is not too much of a reach. . . Unfortunate if true. Although wifey has a 2017 Escape (Titanium Sport) that's a blast to drive. . .

But the Ford guys at least followed through on the Raptor - - even if 80% are four doors. . .

Still want the boxy version Bronco with two doors.

'91 Sport


If they build an Escape like Bronco I hope they don't name it Bronco. Thinking of all the retro cars that manufactures have been bringing back since 2005 starting with the Mustang, the Ford Bronco is too iconic to screw up and it would be a shame to give a beefed up Escspe the Bronco name. Unfortunately I think for it to be what we really want it to be, it needed to be developed by a small team just like the new Ford GT was. I'm not holding my breath but if it's another lame crossover I might cry.

It looks way too short to have any sort of a rear door, even the FJ Cruiser style. And I don't think I've seen any concepts or renderings of a 4 door version, so I'm betting on just 2 doors. Even though I would opt for a 2 door anyway, having a 4 door option would have been smart in my opinion because most of the newer Wranglers on the road are 4 door. I think even Jeep should have come out with the 4 door version sooner considering what people seem to gravitate towards.

Anyway, the wheel arches look pretty big so I'm optimistic in that regard. And I really wouldn't mind if it didn't have such a retro style. I'm a little bored of that to be honest, since retro styling started becoming popular way back when the Mini and PT Cruiser came out. Those cars just seem to become dated and tacky-looking much more quickly.

And maybe it's just my perception, or what I see driving around isn't an accurate representation of the market, but why does it seem like manufacturers say they listen to what customers tell them they want, but then people don't buy what is offered? The 4Runner is exactly what I'm talking about. Every company has a crossover or 2 or 5, but the 4Runner is the most archaic SUV available aside from the Wrangler, and they are more popular then ever. In the last 2 months 5 of them popped up in my company's parking lot, and I see multiple brand new ones driving around every day. And on the other hand, how many dozens of forgettable crossovers have come and gone in such a short amount of time? It just seems to me that manufacturers try to tell people what they want more than the other way around. Hopefully that's not the case with the new Bronco. And that's my rant.

And maybe it's just my perception, or what I see driving around isn't an accurate representation of the market, but why does it seem like manufacturers say they listen to what customers tell them they want, but then people don't buy what is offered? The 4Runner is exactly what I'm talking about. Every company has a crossover or 2 or 5, but the 4Runner is the most archaic SUV available aside from the Wrangler, and they are more popular then ever. In the last 2 months 5 of them popped up in my company's parking lot, and I see multiple brand new ones driving around every day. And on the other hand, how many dozens of forgettable crossovers have come and gone in such a short amount of time? It just seems to me that manufacturers try to tell people what they want more than the other way around. Hopefully that's not the case with the new Bronco. And that's my rant.

It's because Toyota is smart. They have the Highlander for the masses and the 4 runner for the enthusiast. I bet you they sell way more Highlander's

It would be nice if they come out with a 4 door option for the big Bronco, but I'm not counting on it. As we know the long wheelbase 4 doors climb better in most situations than the shorter wheelbase Sports.

It's because Toyota is smart. They have the Highlander for the masses and the 4 runner for the enthusiast. I bet you they sell way more Highlander's

You’d be surprised actually. I sold Toyota’s last year for a bit. Not only was our stock of 4Runners about three times that of Highlanders, but the sales of 4Runners were also about three times the amount of sales of Highlanders.

I’m excited for the Bronco. Being Ranger based it’s going to be a good size. And from what it sounds like there should be both two and four door versions. It was confirmed, though unofficially.

You’d be surprised actually. I sold Toyota’s last year for a bit. Not only was our stock of 4Runners about three times that of Highlanders, but the sales of 4Runners were also about three times the amount of sales of Highlanders.

I’m excited for the Bronco. Being Ranger based it’s going to be a good size. And from what it sounds like there should be both two and four door versions. It was confirmed, though unofficially.

2017 Sales figures
Highlander : 215,775
4Runner: 128,296

2016 Sales figures
Highlander: 191,379
4runner: 111,592

Data from carsalesbase.com

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