2020 Extended Service Plans Pricing @ Dealer Cost | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2020 Extended Service Plans Pricing @ Dealer Cost


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Elite Explorer
February 25, 2011
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2020 Explorer ST

I have ONE rule, PM me for Joel's contact info. I do not want his email he setup for this posted on the forum because then it will just get full of SPAM. This email is strictly for members to contact him direct.

DO NOT write on my profile page asking for Joel's info, again my ONE rule, PM me. Profile page conversations are public for anyone logged in to see. These posts will not get replied too.


Just like the 5th Gen, you can get an ESP @ cost through Joel. 2020 Pricing is listed and I do have a screen shot of the 7 and 8 year prices with all mileage options.

7/100k = $1355
7/125k = $1,870
7/150k = $2,720
8/100k = $1,545
8/125k = $2,135
8/150k = $3,115.

These are standard $100 Deductible for AWD units (he used my ST VIN). Roughly $200 more if you want the $50 deductible. These also include 1st day rental but NOT enhance 1st day. They also do not include the LED coverage which is usually a little over $100.

I wanted to post this to minimize the amount of emails to Joel right now since nobody has their vehicle and he can't sell one for a vehicle that does not exist.


Again, you can get $200 over cost for Canadian Explorers/Aviators through our contact up there. The pricing above is US pricing only.

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Just like the 5th Gen, you can get an ESP @ cost through Joel. 2020 Pricing is listed and I do have a screen shot of the 7 and 8 year prices with all mileage options.

7/100k = $1355
7/125k = $1,870
7/150k = $2,720
8/100k = $1,545
8/125k = $2,135
8/150k = $3,115.

These are standard $100 Deductible for AWD units (he used my ST VIN). Roughly $200 more if you want the $50 deductible. These also include 1st day rental but NOT enhance 1st day. They also do not include the LED coverage which is usually a little over $100.

I wanted to post this to minimize the amount of emails to Joel right now since nobody has their vehicle and he can't sell one for a vehicle that does not exist.


Again, you can get $200 over cost for Canadian Explorers/Aviators through our contact up there. The pricing above is US pricing only.

How can he be contacted?

What is the pricing? Too low for new vehicle.

I am sorry, you really need to post more then 4 word sentences. I still do not know what you are asking.

There are no 7 or 8 year leases so not sure on what you meant by "is that lease pricing".

My first post said it was 2020 ESP pricing based on my VIN (4wd ST) Not sure where the confusion is except on my end. 2WD pricing will be a little cheaper.

I think the confusion is people, including myself, aren't familiar with the term ESP or who Joel is. First I thought it was Employee Special Pricing.. but now I assume it means extended service plan, but no need to get salty.

I was not realizing it was extended service plan(ESP) pricing. I have not had experience with those. I didn't have time to fully type out the question better. Now I know what ESP is.

I think the confusion is people, including myself, aren't familiar with the term ESP or who Joel is. First I thought it was Employee Special Pricing.. but now I assume it means extended service plan, but no need to get salty.

I'm not salty at all. If I wasn't clear, then I guess that's my fault but I still don't understand where the confusion was. I mentioned yr/mileage terms, deductibles, rental options, LED coverage and the subject/title of the thread specifically says "2020 Extended Service Plans Pricing @ dealer cost".

That's why I couldn't figure out what was being asked.

you just changed the title. It originally said ESP.


Guilty. I guess sometimes we tend to take things for granted when we've seen some terms so often.


Thanks for clarifying--I was one of the ignorant people who didn't know what was being discussed either. In that vein of my not knowing, how does this work? Does a person contact Joel before picking up their car from the dealer? Or can it be done afterwards? I understand that until they are released there is nothing to do, but, after that what is the process? Thanks!

Thanks for clarifying--I was one of the ignorant people who didn't know what was being discussed either. In that vein of my not knowing, how does this work? Does a person contact Joel before picking up their car from the dealer? Or can it be done afterwards? I understand that until they are released there is nothing to do, but, after that what is the process? Thanks!
I believe the procedure is that same as before. You contact blwnsmoke using a PM (private message) and he will then provide you with the information the same way. See this post; Ford ESP at dealer cost to forum members


Thanks for clarifying--I was one of the ignorant people who didn't know what was being discussed either. In that vein of my not knowing, how does this work? Does a person contact Joel before picking up their car from the dealer? Or can it be done afterwards? I understand that until they are released there is nothing to do, but, after that what is the process? Thanks!
This local dealership has a website set up with pricing, so you can play around with it to see how it works. Pricing depends on year, mileage, drive train, and where you are in the factory warranty period (or not). These are Ford warranties, not a 3rd party so works just like your factory warranty.
Ford Extended Warranty - Geniune Ford ESP Sales

Thanks for clarifying--I was one of the ignorant people who didn't know what was being discussed either. In that vein of my not knowing, how does this work? Does a person contact Joel before picking up their car from the dealer? Or can it be done afterwards? I understand that until they are released there is nothing to do, but, after that what is the process? Thanks!

Joel has setup a dedicated email for ESPs that go right to him that is not advertised. PM me when you are ready to buy one and he can get you pricing.

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Joel has setup a dedicated email for ESPs that go right to him that is not advertised. PM me when you are ready to buy one and he can get you pricing.
Agree - Flood site really just a way to decide on what coverage you want, go with Joel.
