Don't curb a rim / wheel | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Don't curb a rim / wheel


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Elite Explorer
February 25, 2011
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2020 Explorer ST
Ughhh.. my first ever at fault claim and I cant even blame my wife lol.

Damn trick or treating.. parking on the side of the road and put a good gash in it.

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I feel for ya. I've "found" a curb so many times on my current car it makes me sick to look at the wheels.

Did the same thing when I had my 2015 Sport. Mine was cheaper than your's, only $650.00. Ouch.



Would you be willing to stop that order and get it from Tasca? [$605 + $50]. You probably won't pay taxes where you are but shipping only and could still get a few tank fulls with those savings...




Would you be willing to stop that order and get it from Tasca? [$605 + $50]. You probably won't pay taxes where you are but shipping only and could still get a few tank fulls with those savings...


I am definitely going to order online unless my dealer will match the online prices. But had to get a quote for my insurance to issue me a check.

That’s for all four, right? RIGHT?

I could never work at a dealership parts counter. I’d be too embarrassed to quote prices like that.

Ouch. If it isn't bent, I would wait to run across a good one, or dig on eBay until I found a good one...

Ughhh.. my first ever at fault claim and I cant even blame my wife lol.

Damn trick or treating.. parking on the side of the road and put a good gash in it.View attachment 175345

I got a tire and wheel protection from my dealer when I bought my ST. It was both, tire and wheel protection for 5 years. It costed me $750.

I just got it because I learned that the good quality tire that the ST comes with is over 300 bucks. 5 years I think it is well worth the warranty.

I got a tire and wheel protection from my dealer when I bought my ST. It was both, tire and wheel protection for 5 years. It costed me $750.

I just got it because I learned that the good quality tire that the ST comes with is over 300 bucks. 5 years I think it is well worth the warranty.

Does not cover cosmetics.

I got a tire and wheel protection from my dealer when I bought my ST. It was both, tire and wheel protection for 5 years. It costed me $750.

I just got it because I learned that the good quality tire that the ST comes with is over 300 bucks. 5 years I think it is well worth the warranty.

So found out it DOES cover curb rash. Unfortunately Joel said only the selling dealer can add it and only at the time of purchase. Dealer cost is $304. I'm going to see if my selling dealer will back date it for future curbs lol.

So found out it DOES cover curb rash. Unfortunately Joel said only the selling dealer can add it and only at the time of purchase. Dealer cost is $304. I'm going to see if my selling dealer will back date it for future curbs lol.

5 years is a well worth it if you can get it for $304. It costs less then replacing one tire. You might not get it because you have to buy it as soon as you buy the vehicle.

Did same as you. Was repairable at cost $300.00. San Francisco prices. Was a Quicksilver franchise place. It was cheaper than my deductiblemlm

My 2020 ST was less than a month old. Driving thru a construction zone in the dark something hit the rim and scratched/gouged about 3 inchs along the very outer edge of the rim, not the face. I called the dealer out of curiosity...i was quoted $1240! I promptly used some gloss black nail polish on the spot. If I didn't point it out to you, you would never see it.


Just hit /curb. Paid $100, 15 minutes looks like new. Check with your salesman, they should have someone that comes by to repair used cars. I got his name and contacted directly.
I’m also an insurance agent. I never turn a claim in unless $1500-$2000. You will pay more after you file and up to 5 years. The least the insurance company knows... the better!

Just hit /curb. Paid $100, 15 minutes looks like new. Check with your salesman, they should have someone that comes by to repair used cars. I got his name and contacted directly.
I’m also an insurance agent. I never turn a claim in unless $1500-$2000. You will pay more after you file and up to 5 years. The least the insurance company knows... the better!
Kinda debatable. I’ve never had my insurance go up, even after an at fault claim.

Thats why I like my 15’s. You never curb the rim, only the tire.

Dammit! So the tires offer zero protection to the rims. Lightly grazed a course cut granite curb and it did a number on the rim. OMG!
I saw ebay selling an exchange set of 4 for 2k!
Repaired and repainted. I only need of now. Gawd.

Most areas have wheel repair shops that will come to you and take care of minor cosmetic repairs. Check on line.

20" and larger rims are a royal PITA because the tires offer no protection. I have rims with curb rash, but I'm not replacing them with the chance of just having it happen again. I think the best approach is to just run them, or have them refinished, rather than repair them. I think spending the price for a new wheel is ludicrous. Refinishing is hundreds less, and it's probably best done right before you get rid of the vehicle.

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Why buy a knew rim for thousands if the tire and wheel warranty for 5 years is only $304. I paid a little more for mine because I did not know better when I got it last summer.
