key chip remote start problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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key chip remote start problems


Active Member
October 30, 2008
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99 Explorer sport
I wanted to get a remote starter/security combo installed on my ex. The installer said that since the key is chipped he thinks that he will need both factory keys to reprogram the computer, or else it wont start. Any truth to this? Id like to find out before i waste my money and it doesnt work.

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get a bypass unit and one extra key

what does the bypass unit do? just makes it so that a normal cut key without a chip will start the car? how much is a bypass unit?

Yes, the bypass kit has a chip inside, so you program it just as if it was a 3rd key, thus you need 2 working keys to program it

so i still need a second programmed key to use the bypass?

Yes, you need 2 working keys to program a third, since the bypass has a chip inside just like the keys, you program it the same way
You however do not need a 3rd key, but you could add it yourself if you have 2 already...

so to have the remote starter installed, why not just get a second key, then i dont need a bypass at all, since to reprogram the computer, you just need 2 original keys.

Oh no,
The truck will not start without the bypass, they are asking for the second programmed key so that they can program the bypass
So you have no option, unless you want to take the bypass module to the dealer or a locksmith and have them program it (for ~the same price that you'd pay for the second key)
Your best bet is still getting the new key, buy it off of ebay for cheap, get it cut and programmed and then you can use your RS

im confused, he said either i need a second key, or a bypass for 50 bucks or something, not both.

How many keys do you have? if you only have 1 key, you need both: a second key and the bypass

If you already have 2 keys, you just need the bypass

There is also a bypass that is on the cheap side that will actually use one of your stock keys. You will lose that key though, as it will need to stay in the bypass. The more expensive bypasses (xpress) will make it where you will not lose a key. Im going though a mess right now trying to find a bypass that will work on my 06 explorer. Its all in what you want, be cheap and lose a key or buy the more expensive bypass and keep you key. Also the price of a new key is about the same as the more exspensive bypass, just something to think about.

I know this is a old thred but ill give a shot. If i get a bypass the needs to use the 1 key i have will a non chip key work. My thought is if the remote start, starts my X when i use a non chip key to release the streeing lock it should work eh?:dunno:

No, the bypass only gets power from the remote start.
You can kinda do what you suggest, you get a programed key, cut the actual key off, and zip tie the black part to the steering column, but that will make it read the key all the time and thus pats will be useless...
