4th Annual EF S.M.O.R.R. meet 2012 May 4th, 5th, & 6th | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4th Annual EF S.M.O.R.R. meet 2012 May 4th, 5th, & 6th

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Bad news. I sorta kinda forgot I'd offered my help to a friend when he needed to move...and of course it falls on this weekend. I'm not that guy that shirks responsiblity for fun and I work next to this dude 6 days a week...

SO I'm a no-go for this trip. I'm really disappointed I cant go but I'm confident I'm making the right decision. Take lots of pics and hopefully I'll catch up with you guys on another run!

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had a little scare yesterday, that I wouldnt be able to get my Explorer done, since my transfercase shelled out last night, but I think I have one located.

Well i found out while ago i got beat out on the vacation (goes by senority).


We'll have to do a mini-SMORR run one of these weekends that im off. That place is definately on my to do list.

I found a whole truck, but then i found a better deal for just a tcase from salvage yard I know real well. price not bad, has 102xxx miles picking it up tommorow evening.

Looks like it will be my roommate and myself. As of now calli has not been able to take off work. If anything changes I will keep you posted.

How many people are going to dinner Thursday night, I'm debating on weather or not I want to try and make it down for that.

it depends on if i can stay awake that long and sleeping arrangments, if im gonna camp at smorr thursday night ill probably just head down there after i swap tires and get a few odds and ends taken care of at gregg's house

Word is getting out locally about this run. Seems the news that 4wheeler mag covering this meet has spread to the 4x4 shops, and others who frequent the park and it's website. Ford lovers are wanting to unite, and were going to have all types of Ford rigs showing up. :D

We might be able to hit Dinner thursday night -maybe

For those that want to join us for Thur night dinner...

7pm at Springfield Brewing Co. Downtown Springfield on Market & Walnut st. 301 South Market 65806


Great relaxing place to eat, and sample the home made award winning Hefe Weizen beers.

We will hopefully be there Friday day, plan on leaving early Friday A.M. I will have to head home Sunday A.M. Taking my front driveshaft to the local shop for repair tonight. And I need to pull my CTM u joints apart and clean them. Been neglecting the truck for way to long.

Excited to see your truck on the trails Chad.

-I drove my explorer about 60 miles last night, everything working good so far. new 4406 installed, the chain broke in my old one. Nothing like last minute- but it could go like it is now. Gunna work on interior, c/b, reverse lights, arb onboard air, pass window motor, fuel gauage.

Well, after 4 days straight of wrenching on the 94 to get it ready for this meet so the kids have a rig to wheel with, 30 mins after I finished it, I find out there not coming. :(

So this means no trailer to pull out all the gear. This means minimizing what I can bring out. Hope somebody has tools out there in case I need some ;)

Oh, the weather has turned around. avg of mid 70's daytime & low 60's overnight. Looks like a small shower in the afternoons is possible, but that's good, as it knocks out the dust on the trails.

Sorry, I promise I have not been ignoring more forgetting...

I am saving for swap starting at the end of the summer so its a no go. I hope by next year the ranger will be there with a new bag of tricks.

Stay safe and have fun.

well with wrenching to get the 94 rangers duff lift installed i finally got it on but found out that all the ball joints are shot so just order raybestos pro joints from RockAuto most likely monday before they will get here, still waiting on my duff shocks to come in, need to install the 8.8 and springs and get the 35's mounted and get an alingment. i can't see getting it all done by next friday and de-cabbing a crane at work next week lol. So looks like old blue will make another smorrs trip this year and no i'm not wrenching this trip i want to be able to see some trails and not the underside of any trucks :D

well with wrenching to get the 94 rangers duff lift installed i finally got it on but found out that all the ball joints are shot so just order raybestos pro joints from RockAuto most likely monday before they will get here, still waiting on my duff shocks to come in, need to install the 8.8 and springs and get the 35's mounted and get an alingment. i can't see getting it all done by next friday and de-cabbing a crane at work next week lol. So looks like old blue will make another smorrs trip this year and no i'm not wrenching this trip i want to be able to see some trails and not the underside of any trucks :D

Damn, and here I was planning on bringing a bunch of parts for you to put on:D.

My wrenching is about 1/3 over after a long battle my drivers side lower ball joint finally gave in and came out after bending another harbor freight ball joint press. I really question the strength of those things after bending it and then being able to pound it out with a 2lb sledge. Still need to do the passenger side, u-joints, drop the front diff, get an alignment and get the new tires I have coming in mounted. I doubt I'll make it for dinner Thursday and will shoot for being there sometime Friday afternoon.

Well, after 4 days straight of wrenching on the 94 to get it ready for this meet so the kids have a rig to wheel with, 30 mins after I finished it, I find out there not coming. :(

So this means no trailer to pull out all the gear. This means minimizing what I can bring out. Hope somebody has tools out there in case I need some ;)

Oh, the weather has turned around. avg of mid 70's daytime & low 60's overnight. Looks like a small shower in the afternoons is possible, but that's good, as it knocks out the dust on the trails.

I can pull your trailer gregg, i have to be at your house thursday and sunday anyway, and im sure if my explorer can handle my avenger on a 16' 7k trailer it can probably handle yours

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Damn, and here I was planning on bringing a bunch of parts for you to put on:D.

My wrenching is about 1/3 over after a long battle my drivers side lower ball joint finally gave in and came out after bending another harbor freight ball joint press. I really question the strength of those things after bending it and then being able to pound it out with a 2lb sledge. Still need to do the passenger side, u-joints, drop the front diff, get an alignment and get the new tires I have coming in mounted. I doubt I'll make it for dinner Thursday and will shoot for being there sometime Friday afternoon.

Well just be fore warned that if you break it, i can most likely fix it LOL :D

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