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Solved Transmission Band Adjustment Specification Chart

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Hello all!! I have an 01 x 4x4 4.0 with 169k on it and it shifts fine in town and in the highway. i replaced the trans in it in feb of 12 and no probs from it until a few days ago it was raining and my leadfoot got the best of me and decided to hydroplane the truck on a turn. while it tried to spin out, it jerked and kept popping and it rocked side to side and would not spin the tires on the slick road (luckily) but what is the issue? It had new fluid when it was put in and is not burnt or discolored. still the nice red color :) i decided to test the reverse on a slight hill as the trans shop guy did (put into reverse and give it gas) and it would do the same thing (pop and jerk around)... Will the band adjustment possibly fix this issue or is there something goin on with this trans. obviously this vehicle is too heavy to peel out!!! Lol

Trans Slipping on expressway

I have a 94 Explorer Sport 2WD. I was on the expressway and tried to pass a car. When I applied the gas the transmission started slippy and motor revved up. It was like when a Manuel trans clutch start slipping. If I back off on gas I could continue going. When I came to stop and tried to pull off it started slipping and would not pull off. If I pull shifter lever down to 1st gear it pulls fine and then I can go thought gears manually. If I don't give it to much gas it doesn't slip. When I stopped again had to do same thing to get my truck home. Doesn't seem to be problem with reverse.
Dose anyone have a idea what may be the problem? Its not low on fluid and there are no leaks. I have had this transmission rebuilt a few years ago. Less than 50k on it. In the ten years I have had the truck I have trans replaced junk yard once and then rebuilt after that once. Both times before there were problems. So I knew the trans was messing up. No warning signs this time. I going to try the adjust bands tomorrow. Any ideas?

"THEN, backed each off exactly TWO TURNS"

Sorry if this sounds dumb but dose that means two compete 360 turns of the screw?

Thanks for answer

I let it sit for several days before adjusting the bands. There was lots of slack. Set as instructed to. When I cranked truck it is slippy worst now. Before you could feel it at least trying to move. I feel like the fluid has maybe drained out of torque convertor. How can I check this out or what other problem could it be? It has only been 33K since being rebuilt.
Thanks for your help.

If the band adjustment didn't help, then it could have other issues such as an out of spec modulator or kickdown cable, clogged valve body or filter, leaking servo pistons, worn clutch pack plates, etc.

If the band adjustment didn't help, then it could have other issues such as an out of spec modulator or kickdown cable, clogged valve body or filter, leaking servo pistons, worn clutch pack plates, etc.

Hi Brooklyn, you are doing gods work here.

I have an 03 Explorer that was showing the common symptoms of the servos going bad, and continued drive it until I received my new servos. Then it decided all on its own that it was not going to go anywhere after sitting all reverse. I am not able to drive it to a shop to get the codes read, but I am still working on that. The fluid did not appear to be low or burnt. I do believe the servos were bad, but I don't think they can cause total transmission failure...can they? What should I look for when I drop the pan?

The solenoid block might have failed. Do you have over 60K miles on it?

Yes it has 160,000. The solenoid block sounds easy enough. I had someone tell me they thought it was the torque converter. I hope you are right instead of him.

Hey BrooklynBay. Just a question about line pressure. What range should it be? My TC line pressure varies between 20-22 psi and around 60-70 psi depending on load, gear range etc. Do those pressures sound like they're close to normal?

Thanks, Al


You could verify this by checking the pressure with a 0 - 300 PSI test gauge.

I now have the transmission removed. So far here is what I have found.

A troubling amount of shavings on the magnet.

The solenoid block tested ok.

The servos are not visibly damaged.

I could not figure out how to test the torque converter on a non working there a way to bench test the torque converter?

I have a donor transmission, but I need to figure out what the cause of the total failure was so I can be confident that the problem is not still in the car.

What other components need to be tested(computer? harness? etc.? etc?)

Don't reuse the old torque converter. Use a remanufactured torque converter, and flush the cooling lines. Rebuild the old transmission since it's out of the vehicle.

I have no intention of reusing the old torque converter...I am just trying to confirm what caused the total failure, and that it is in the transmission itself. I will eventually rebuild the transmission, but for now I have a donor transmission that I know works. Is there anything I should check/test on the vehicle itself?

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Thanks again. There is a tremendous amount of great info in these forums.
