Wanted - 2nd Gen Front IFS Differential | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted 2nd Gen Front IFS Differential

Parts or services wanted


DIY stunt double
Staff member
Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Humboldt, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mounty
I had a weird binding experience on the snow.
Looking for a good working 373 front diff complete. I do not need axle shafts but spares come in handy if the price is right.

PM your offer please, shipped to 66748. Thanks:D

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I've got one buddy, came off a '96 XLT LS 3.73's with around 90k on it. It's been sitting in my garage for a few years but still has fluid in it. It's the one with the Vacuum/CAD crap though. Will you be able to use that?

I've got one buddy, came off a '96 XLT LS 3.73's with around 90k on it. It's been sitting in my garage for a few years but still has fluid in it. It's the one with the Vacuum/CAD crap though. Will you be able to use that?

While I am intrigued at the possibilty, I think the v8 oil pan just touches.

I had one on the Black Mountaineer, however it also had the superlift front suspension lift, which drops the front differential.

Let me see study mountaineergreen's picture of the vacuum disconnect for a minute-

Could you pm me pictures of the long end also please? Thanks

with superlift drop brackets-


How would you like to cut out the shipping cost and just make a small drive to meet a few fellow explorer enthusiast? I think I might have one I will let you know for sure tomorrow.

How would you like to cut out the shipping cost and just make a small drive to meet a few fellow explorer enthusiast? I think I might have one I will let you know for sure tomorrow.

Hey--this might work!

I have 2 or 3 laying around, let me know if you can't find one local

I have a couple, drive up and you can have one. I probably have some axle shafts that you can have also.

I have a couple, drive up and you can have one. I probably have some axle shafts that you can have also.

Wow, Terry that is such a good offer I might just take you up on that. !!

Git er fixed before MOAB Jon!

Seems like almost everyone has a spar one of these things sitting around! I have a 3.55 and a 3.73 I've been trying to get rid of. Problem with my is that they both have the vacuum/ CAD stuff on them. And I also know from experience that the 5.0 oil pan is an interference fit with the vacuum housing

well, to be honest, I couldn't let Terry "Give" me a part, so I left some cash there. Driving was better than pulling this type thing, in the mud. It was already pulled and on the shelf, warm as a kitten from being inside for so long.

so all in all I got a bargain for sure.!!!

well, to be honest, I couldn't let Terry "Give" me a part, so I left some cash there. Driving was better than pulling this type thing, in the mud. It was already pulled and on the shelf, warm as a kitten from being inside for so long.

so all in all I got a bargain for sure.!!!

Sorry that I missed you!!! The Dominic Republic sure was nice, now I get to watch it snow for the new few days. Glad you got what you needed. If you need anything else, let me know!

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Sorry that I missed you!!! The Dominic Republic sure was nice, now I get to watch it snow for the new few days. Glad you got what you needed. If you need anything else, let me know!

You just have to rub it in huh? :D
Sorry I missed you also.
