5th Annual EF S.M.O.R.R. 2013 Pre Halloween Spooktacular!! plse read | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5th Annual EF S.M.O.R.R. 2013 Pre Halloween Spooktacular!! plse read

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I'm building a 99 EB Ex on tons, the Ranger is my tight trail truck. Besides my track bar, steering, and RI axle would have to be bought and/or fabricated again, then I'd need a new rear housing and another set of Mosers. That stuff just isn't in my budget for this ride.

It's bad enough that I have to buy all the needed parts, it's gunna get close to cutting into my budget to make this trip.

I might be relocating for work this weekend. I'm still waiting to hear the final dates, but i'm moving to St. Joseph, Mo end of October...

Found out from a coworker the other day that the kc jk jeep club is going to be there the same weekend.

Not looking good for me, I might be more of a maybe.

Well, I didn't get the job with my company I've been trying to get, so I'm working on moving to greener pastures. If I hadn't spent so much on getting the truck ready for this, I'd probably still have enough in savings to make it :(

I'm gonna try, but between potential unemployment and paying for my frame to get powdercoated, I'm gonna be running pretty tight.

So are 3rd gens welcome to come?!

I would have to make some quick adjustments to my truck so I could!

Of course it is welcome. :)

Depending on how much you want to preserve the looks of it will decide on what trails you can run. Also depending on what you have done to it will be a factor as well, ie... tires, lift, lockers, skids, tow hooks, winch, etc...

IFS & IRS use CV joints, I'm not to sure how an IRS will hold up on the harder trails. If it were me, I wouldn't attempt anything over a level 2 with it. Plenty of scenery on the main trail around the park, and of course you might be able to jump in someone else rig to go on a harder trail.

There is also the other part to this meet, which is socializing with others. :)

Obie, understandable. Hope you can swing it, but if not, we know how life can throw wrenches when you least expect it. Hang in there. :thumbsup:

Of course it is welcome. :)

Depending on how much you want to preserve the looks of it will decide on what trails you can run. Also depending on what you have done to it will be a factor as well, ie... tires, lift, lockers, skids, tow hooks, winch, etc...

IFS & IRS use CV joints, I'm not to sure how an IRS will hold up on the harder trails. If it were me, I wouldn't attempt anything over a level 2 with it. Plenty of scenery on the main trail around the park, and of course you might be able to jump in someone else rig to go on a harder trail.

There is also the other part to this meet, which is socializing with others. :)

Obie, understandable. Hope you can swing it, but if not, we know how life can throw wrenches when you least expect it. Hang in there. :thumbsup:

I was hoping that you would say I was welcome! I just found this thread last night. I gotta get a Cb antenna set up (already have the CB, using it as a PA :D ) and tow hooks in the front (which is a pain with my brush guard that I have on it) but either way I am gonna try and make it. I think the level 2 trails would be doable in my Ex. But I could be wrong. I'm running 32" ATs, I'm lifted an 1.25" in the front, no spacer lift in the back. But I have a few month old Monroe Quick Struts which gave me a lift from factory. Any input on if I would make level 2 trails?

Edit: forgot to mention I've got the 4.6 with the LS rear end.

Any input on if I would make level 2 trails?

All depends on the weather before or during the meet. Trail levels change in difficulty when it is wet. A level 2 can become 3 or 4 if the trails wash out, or larger trucks create huge ruts in the muddy areas, exposing the rock shelves and making the existing ledges larger.

What type of armor do you have? Sliders, skid plates, and aftermarket bumpers are not only used for body/chassis protection, they are used as tools to navigate rocky trails. Plastic body parts such as rocker covers, and bumpers will get harmed on the trails. This is why I mentioned it depends on how much do you want to preserve the looks of the rig. It's all your call on what you want to run out there. I would still go and check this meet out. You will learn a lot from the group, and what the limitation of your rig will be. :thumbsup:

I'm out, everyone have a good trip. I bought a new house and will be moving into it that weekend.

Brad in, Brad out, Brad in, Brad out, you do the hokie pokie and we will see you at #SMORR

I wish it was that easy.. But I have all the movers scheduled and there is 100% no chance.. On side note Jake, I will be clsoer to you and we can go hit Kansas Rocks together sometime. I should be around 1 hr from there... i was wrong I'm about 2:30 from Krock! well crap LOL

I look forward to it! I'll work just down the road from you and got a few places around we could try out. I'm always down to break something.

All depends on the weather before or during the meet. Trail levels change in difficulty when it is wet. A level 2 can become 3 or 4 if the trails wash out, or larger trucks create huge ruts in the muddy areas, exposing the rock shelves and making the existing ledges larger.

What type of armor do you have? Sliders, skid plates, and aftermarket bumpers are not only used for body/chassis protection, they are used as tools to navigate rocky trails. Plastic body parts such as rocker covers, and bumpers will get harmed on the trails. This is why I mentioned it depends on how much do you want to preserve the looks of the rig. It's all your call on what you want to run out there. I would still go and check this meet out. You will learn a lot from the group, and what the limitation of your rig will be. :thumbsup:

I appreciate the input there, I don't have any armor on my truck currently. Mostly wanting to get it out and do some trail riding. I feel I have neglected it by not taking it out! I'm gonna get an antenna set up for the CB I already have installed, and get some tow hooks on a do my best to get out there!

I really hate to rain on the parade but I will not be able to attend. We have been trying to find ways to attend but it seems impossible. Its simply too close of a run to a starting a new work.

I will be out soon.....I did not get to ride all the trails last time I was at Smorr. I must go back.

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I will be in lot 30 with 30amp service, welder, generator and a whole mess of other helpfull things!
