LEV Gen2 v8 when | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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LEV Gen2 v8 when


Well-Known Member
December 17, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 v8
was the first year for them?

LEV = Low emission vehicle.


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was the first year for them?

LEV = Low emission vehicle.


my 2001 V8 has a sticker on the driver's window that says LEV, but neither of my 2000 V8's have the sticker. i don't know if that means anything.

my 2001 V8 has a sticker on the driver's window that says LEV, but neither of my 2000 V8's have the sticker. i don't know if that means anything.

It does thats what I am looking for, my 2000 Mounty has the sticker on the drivers window. My 97's do not.

It does thats what I am looking for, my 2000 Mounty has the sticker on the drivers window. My 97's do not.

humpf, neither of my 2000 Mounty V8's have the LEV sticker, but maybe a PO scrapped them off.

Sorry to bring this up from the dead, but in my search for cats for my 2001 V8 I came across this info and thought it could help someone.

LEV Explorers/Mountaineers are equipped with California CARB compliant cats and the PCM has been tuned to compensate for it. If you put non-CARB compliant cats on it, it'll trigger the Check Engine light if you don't re-tune the PCM for 49 state emissions.

Sorry to bring this up from the dead, but in my search for cats for my 2001 V8 I came across this info and thought it could help someone.

LEV Explorers/Mountaineers are equipped with California CARB compliant cats and the PCM has been tuned to compensate for it. If you put non-CARB compliant cats on it, it'll trigger the Check Engine light if you don't re-tune the PCM for 49 state emissions.

I don't think this is exclusively true. My 2000 Sport (4.0 OHV) is labeled as a "transitional LEV" (whatever that means) but hasn't been outside of the southeast for its entire life.

I don't think this is exclusively true. My 2000 Sport (4.0 OHV) is labeled as a "transitional LEV" (whatever that means) but hasn't been outside of the southeast for its entire life.

I thought that too. But, according to my current 01 Explorer's carfax, it was purchased and registered in New Mexico until I purchased it and brought it to Texas. Window sticker confirms it was shipped to the same dealer it where owner 1 purchased it. My old 01 also had LEV has a similar story with its carfax, but I don't have the window sticker to see if it was originally sent to California and then shipped to the selling dealer in Colorado or not.
