Engine vibration/sound only over bumps | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine vibration/sound only over bumps


Well-Known Member
October 16, 2005
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City, State
Upland, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Explorer Sport
Hey guys just had my timing cover gasket replaced and now Ive got a pretty strange engine noise/vibration that happens only when accelerating from a stop over an uneven surface. It seems to happen anytime the engine is under pretty good load and the suspension is moving up/down.

Anyone have any ideas or had this happen to them and know what the problem is? Im thinking engine, or trans mount but haven't had time to dig into it yet.


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Hey guys just had my timing cover gasket replaced and now Ive got a pretty strange engine noise/vibration that happens only when accelerating from a stop over an uneven surface. It seems to happen anytime the engine is under pretty good load and the suspension is moving up/down.

Anyone have any ideas or had this happen to them and know what the problem is? Im thinking engine, or trans mount but haven't had time to dig into it yet.


I'd get in there and tighten bolts left and right on anything that would be for mounting. Sounds like something isn't sitting still from a loose something-or-the-other

Sounds like engine mount issues.

Double check that the balancer is on properly.

Not uncommon to damage the balancer taking it off.

Check the exhaust system for a loose heat shield under the passenger seats area.

Loose plug wires comes to mind, but I think FR has it right. Might double check your CPS also.
It's often something simple that gets messed up.

I captured a crude sound clip of what I'm hearing.

Bear in mind that my phone was sitting on the floor on the tunnel so its pretty rough sounding anyway but you can hear the surging sound as the suspension articulates. Once up to speed it really doesn't do it, unless you hit a good dip, and then it does it for a second when the suspension is at the lowest point.

Visual inspection didn't come up with anything.


What I hear, is what sounds like mud flinging off the tires against the wheel well. Is this the sound you are hearing, but from the trans/engine area?

Yea its really strange. Totally intermittent and usually happens when taking off from a stop. Sound is accompanied by vibration and happens in bursts like you can hear in the clip. The frequency doesn't change with rpm.

not saying this is your problem but something to think about. when working on my bikes sometimes new gaskets aren't the same thickness as the old ones and parts sometimes rub together. yours sounds more like a wire fell on top of the axle or possibly the fan hitting the shroud?





Theres some pics. Balancer looks ok, maybe slightly age cracked but small. Rubber doesnt seem to be protruding much and it was solid with the belt off.

Others are of trans mount and the slip yoke. Tranny mount looks suspicious.
