KYB was the original sourced shock when the truck left the factory? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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KYB was the original sourced shock when the truck left the factory?


Flunked daycare
Elite Explorer
January 3, 2003
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................ 96 XLT ™
in this thread,

KYB was the original sourced shock when the truck left the factory


Is this correct? If so, which model of KYB was it?

I am shopping for shocks, and one brand I am looking at KYBs. I am happy with the ride on the OEM shocks, so if KYB was stock, I would considering matching the model if possible.

Doesn't sound right just in the fact that KYBs were either white or silver back in the mid-90's :dunno:

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I think it was Monroe.

You don't want to pay dealer prices for them.

According to Auto Nation it's a Motorcraft part.

Yeah, but is that Motorcraft part just a rebadged KYB, or a rebadged Monroe, or ...?

Yeah, but is that Motorcraft part just a rebadged KYB, or a rebadged Monroe, or ...?

Good point. Isn't KYB Japanese? Dunno. Made in China anyway.

Definitely OE was not a Monroe. However the OE where dual tube shocks.
I have installed KYB Gas-A-Just because they are monotube shocks and the advantages and ride quality of those type of shocks are not disputed today - all the high end SUV/Crossovers use monotubes at this point.

PS: KYB has a manufacturing plant in Franklin, Indiana. So KYB shocks sold in US are manufactured in US and they are probably OE for lots of vehicles assembled in US. But most likely OE are their lower tier of shocks, the Excel-G (dual tube). Nothing wrong with those, I have their full assembly (struts) installed on front of my Mercury Sable station wagon.
