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A/C Quit


Well-Known Member
July 30, 2017
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new jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Explorer XLT
My explorer has 22,000 miles on it and the A/C just started blowing hot. The compressor is not running.Checked all fuses and relays. There is oil on the a/c clutch so it looks like the compressor blew a seal. The cut off switch in the a/c hose has three wires, normially they have two and cut off on low psi. Anyone know how this one works ? I want to jump it so i can run the compressor to see what the readings are.
Also IS THAT THE STUPIDEST LOCATION FOR A FUSE BOX EVER! The engineer who put that box under the dash should be beaten.

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22000 miles. Isn’t it under warranty?

22000 miles. Isn’t it under warranty?
Might be passed the 3 year period depending on when it was put into service.


Well ya....not everyone drive 20000 a year like me!

The cut off switch in the a/c hose has three wires, normially they have two and cut off on low psi.

That isn't a "cutoff switch", it's a pressure transducer. You cannot treat it like the low and high pressure switches used on older models. Therefore, do not screw with it unless you know exactly what you're doing.

I don't think you'll find anyone to disagree with that. I wonder if it will be placed in a more accessible spot on the 2020?


That isn't a "cutoff switch", it's a pressure transducer. You cannot treat it like the low and high pressure switches used on older models. Therefore, do not screw with it unless you know exactly what you're doing.
Thats what I was thinking also. Yes it was a certified used and is under warranty so it is going to the dealer thursday Looks like I need to buy a ESP for it.

So it needed a compressor and the dealer took care of it at no charge and replaced the belt. Its ice cold now.

My 17 F150 Platinum (which I own but my son pays for) needed a compressor at 2800 miles. Compressor would have cost $1800 & total cost w/labor would have been $3700. Is that not crazy or what! And yes we have ESP.

I looked up a Ford explorer compressor it was $500 and change. I wonder why so much for the F150 compressor . I was thinking $1200-$1500 for the job
