2019 Ranger Raptor at Truck Haven?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2019 Ranger Raptor at Truck Haven??


Pumpkin Pilot
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Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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Looks like Ford has been playing at Truck Haven again :burnout:

For our newer members, Ford joined our forum members at Truck Haven Hills outside of Salton City, CA back in 2000. Ford brought their then yet to be released Explorer Sport Trac and a couple 2nd gen four doors with them to test on the offroad terrain. Here's a link to the trip report: Ford Explorer Truck Haven 2000 Salton City California Page 1

It's good to see that they are testing the new Ranger Raptor where we actually play:chug:

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That does look like some of it was filmed at Truckhaven. That twisty canyon is one I recognize located behind Phone Booth Mesa. Really though, I could take my wife's Saturn Vue XR through all of that if I didn't care about damage, probably at the same speeds.

Really hope they give it a different engine in the US market

Really hope they give it a different engine in the US market
Why? The 200hp 2.0L Bi Turbo is a really strong engine. Better than the older 2.2L TDCi or the newer 2.0L Diesel. Plus it gets on honest 17mpg around town in the Everest, at least here in Thailand. The EPA will probably strangle it with so many emissions that its lucky to get 17mpg o the highway.

I really would like to get a Ranger Raptor, but at 1,700,000THB (~51,700USD) its a bit out of my price range. Although the wife does like the Ford Everest (rest of world Explorer) that can be had with the same drivetrain (2.0L Bi-Turbo, 10spd auto) and power for 1,800,000THB (~54,800USD).

If you need any pictures of the Ranger, Everest or Raptor let me know. They are always showing new ones at shopping malls.

I really would like to get a Ranger Raptor, but at 1,700,000THB (~51,700USD) its a bit out of my price range. Although the wife does like the Ford Everest (rest of world Explorer) that can be had with the same drivetrain (2.0L Bi-Turbo, 10spd auto) and power for 1,800,000THB (~54,800USD).

Good to see you on here Robert. What the heck are you doing in Thailand?

Why? The 200hp 2.0L Bi Turbo is a really strong engine. Better than the older 2.2L TDCi or the newer 2.0L Diesel.

I heard the engine wasn't designed well. :dunno:

Plus something with a raptor name and price should have more than 200hp.

I would like to see the regular ranger with a deisel option in the US

(PS good to hear from ya. Hope your doing well)

Yes, definitely!:burnout:
True, but you have to look at the market. North America is the only market that has 1/2, 3/4 & 1 ton trucks. Everywhere else there is only the Ford Ranger/Mazda BT50 Pro, Chevy Colorado/Isuzu D-Max, Mitsubishi Triton, Nissan Navarra (Frontier), & Toyota Hilux. Plus there are the additional taxes on engine displacement in many countries and diesels can have better incentives for purchase and use.

All are rated for about 1.3 ton (2800#) payload and about 3.5 tons (7500#) towing. North America is really the only market that people tow large 5th wheels and trailers in. In the last year I've seen only 2 pickups towing anything, and maybe only 3 other pickups with tow hitches. The roads are smaller, the distances are shorter for the most part.

True, but you have to look at the market. North America is the only market that has 1/2, 3/4 & 1 ton trucks. Everywhere else there is only the Ford Ranger/Mazda BT50 Pro, Chevy Colorado/Isuzu D-Max, Mitsubishi Triton, Nissan Navarra (Frontier), & Toyota Hilux. Plus there are the additional taxes on engine displacement in many countries and diesels can have better incentives for purchase and use.

All are rated for about 1.3 ton (2800#) payload and about 3.5 tons (7500#) towing. North America is really the only market that people tow large 5th wheels and trailers in. In the last year I've seen only 2 pickups towing anything, and maybe only 3 other pickups with tow hitches. The roads are smaller, the distances are shorter for the most part.

True but, I was saying that in the North America market, we would like a higher hp option.

Someone needs to fix this guys avatar

