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Truck Haven Fall 2018 - Veterans Day Weekend

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Let's lock that date in. ;)

Maybe. I'm burning 3 weeks of vacation to go to Yellowstone in Sep.

Hey, this is a family forum....:laugh::crazy:

I was going to give you a warning, then realized Moderators don't have the warning button...

Veterans weekend works for me.

I just put in for Thursday to Monday off (11/8-11/12). Turns out I need to take 80+ hours by the end of the year.. Now I just need to figure how I'm getting there.. I haven't started the van is about a year so I still have a couple months to get it running right again. Worst case I'll just drive the X out there..


Awesome! I'm liking the interest in this run, let's keep it going:thumbsup:

It's a maybe for me. My surgery will probably be around that time. Hopefully it will get pushed till after the run.

And @Maniak , your alive!!!!!!!!!


Interested in this trip, although truckhaven is just so far away for me coming from norcal now, but I'd love to make it out there again.

Im in. I'm excited to get a pic of all of us at the top of phone booth


Might have a couple Toyotas join in too.

Talk to my neighbor, at they mite bring there Rubi. there dealership is stuck with.:thumbsup:

We're talking about hanging out till Monday this trip:eek:

Talk to my neighbor, at they mite bring there Rubi. there dealership is stuck with.

We're talking about hanging out till Monday this trip:eek:


I'll be there until Monday morning.

Good news for a change.

After my 2nd round of CPC surgery my pressure finally dropped. At my post-op visit this past Thursday my pressure was at 18 in both eyes.:chug:

Had a bit of bad luck this morning which actually was a blessing in disguise. The center support bearing I replaced in my Ram's driveline last summer went bad today. I had the truck towed home as I was afraid of breaking the transfercase. It was a Timken bearing too.

I'm very glad it happened close to home rather than out on the open road:eek:

:snicker:Ok I guess we can stay till Monday too!!:dpchug:

I am planning on Wednesday to Monday.

Great news about the eyeball Rick!

I spent the weekend working 28 hours in two days. It was fun though, Zac Brown/Eagles concert Saturday; worked out in the crowd. Lots of fights. What kind of person starts a fight at a Zac Brown concert? Concert was great to watch. Cheap Trick/Journey/Def Leppard Sunday; spent 14 hours hanging out with Neal and Michaele Schon. Neal is the guitarist for Journey. I walked them around, and shadowed Michaele during the concert. Very nice people, but rock star quirky. Michaele gave me a concert shirt. Met all the members of Journey, very cool people, especially Arnel Peneda. He is a jokester and a very pleasant person. Likes to crack dirty jokes. He is about Sarah's size, maybe smaller, but sure can sing. Journey stole the show, I didn't even watch the rest of Def Leppard. I was standing off to the side of the stage watching Michaele (that was the job). Neal would walk off the stage several times during the concert to change guitars, get some water, kiss his wife, etc. One of the times I was standing there he turned to me and said "BadAss".

Also got to meet Rick Neilson and Robin Zander of Cheap Trick when they came looking for Neal. They walked right up and shook my hand and introduced themselves. I was blown away at how cool they were. It was a great experience, and I got paid a bunch of money for it.

Also got to meet Rick Neilson and Robin Zander of Cheap Trick when they came looking for Neal. They walked right up and shook my hand and introduced themselves. I was blown away at how cool they were. It was a great experience, and I got paid a bunch of money for it.

Sounds like a great time:chug:

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I am planning on Wednesday to Monday.

Great news about the eyeball Rick!

I spent the weekend working 28 hours in two days. It was fun though, Zac Brown/Eagles concert Saturday; worked out in the crowd. Lots of fights. What kind of person starts a fight at a Zac Brown concert? Concert was great to watch. Cheap Trick/Journey/Def Leppard Sunday; spent 14 hours hanging out with Neal and Michaele Schon. Neal is the guitarist for Journey. I walked them around, and shadowed Michaele during the concert. Very nice people, but rock star quirky. Michaele gave me a concert shirt. Met all the members of Journey, very cool people, especially Arnel Peneda. He is a jokester and a very pleasant person. Likes to crack dirty jokes. He is about Sarah's size, maybe smaller, but sure can sing. Journey stole the show, I didn't even watch the rest of Def Leppard. I was standing off to the side of the stage watching Michaele (that was the job). Neal would walk off the stage several times during the concert to change guitars, get some water, kiss his wife, etc. One of the times I was standing there he turned to me and said "BadAss".

Also got to meet Rick Neilson and Robin Zander of Cheap Trick when they came looking for Neal. They walked right up and shook my hand and introduced themselves. I was blown away at how cool they were. It was a great experience, and I got paid a bunch of money for it.

Super Jealous you got to meet and hang out with Journey:bow:
