Clicking relay(?) under center armrest won’t stop | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Clicking relay(?) under center armrest won’t stop


Well-Known Member
July 22, 2012
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City, State
northern California
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 Explorer XLT 4WD
1996 XLT 4WD. Something that sounds like a relay is clicking continually under the front of the center armrest any time the ignition is on, with or without the engine running. Nothing I do with the dashboard controls changes it. The vehicle runs normally.

What could this be?

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Six disc CD player?

It once had a CD changer but I removed it several years ago.

More data. The noise sounds exactly like a small electric motor running a couple seconds, stopping, then running again. Its location is below the steel plate at the bottom of the console compartment, at the front of that compartment. The noise is much more audible from inside the cabin than below the vehicle, and it's definitely not the 4WD transfer case selector motor.

What the heck is in there under the console compartment, other than a plastic air duct?

Do you have rear air/heat? Are there controls on the rear of the console?

Do you have rear air/heat? Are there controls on the rear of the console?

Yes. Changing the settings on those controls made no difference. I suspect a movable door in the air duct is being commanded but is unable to move the door. I will probably tolerate the noise until it breaks, which I hope will stop the noise.

I’m sure you tried turning the front heat to off?

It shouldn’t be powered when the main heater is turned to off.

I think there's a rear heat door actuator too (I just learned this while shopping for a new blend door actuator for the front). Maybe the plastic gears have stripped, like the front blend door actuator is fond of doing.

Had the same clicking going on. It was several years back and I did learn how to take the console apart but I don't remember how I disconnected the actuator. Since nobody really rides in the back seat so I decided not to repair it.

As I recall the rear actuator I saw looked a lot like the front one. If that's the case it probably has a plug that is easily disconnected. Getting to it is another matter.

Would just opening up the center console, popping the cup holder and info center/storage pockets out, and disconnecting the harness for the center console do it? I don't have this issue but I'm curious about it anyhow

Would just opening up the center console, popping the cup holder and info center/storage pockets out, and disconnecting the harness for the center console do it? I don't have this issue but I'm curious about it anyhow

I don't think so. I've had the cup holders and front covers off my rear heat/air Explorers/Mountaineers (all of mine have had this feature) and I never saw anything that looked like an actuator, but then I wasn't looking for one. I suspect it may be further back, closer to where the rear blower fan is.
