Right Hand Drive Explorers? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Right Hand Drive Explorers?


Well-Known Member
January 27, 2008
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'07, V8 4x4 Ltd
I was searching to see if Ford made RHD explorers...
there are some flavors. my limited searching hasn't netted a definite answer.

Why do I ask?

side mirrors!, I want a convex drivers side mirror (heated) for my ST.
(did it for my VW, since they are available from Europe)

If anyone knows post.
(yes those cheesy little stick on mirror could do, but this would look so much better)

I was searching to see if Ford made RHD explorers...
there are some flavors. my limited searching hasn't netted a definite answer.

Why do I ask?

side mirrors!, I want a convex drivers side mirror (heated) for my ST.
(did it for my VW, since they are available from Europe)

If anyone knows post.
(yes those cheesy little stick on mirror could do, but this would look so much better)
I travel to New Zealand frequently and the 2002-2005 RHD Explorers are somewhat common. As for the mirrors, I don't know if they equipped with the convexed on the left, but I do know RHD Explorers exist, probably built in Austrailia. Hope that helps.

thank you for replying, I saw the Gen 1 RHD sport tracs, but didn't see the gen 2 tracs, there seemed to be imported LHD into RHD countries.

if the mirror assembly was used on RHD gen2s or other explorer variants in RHD, they would have convex.

I haven't seen a sport trac outside of the US imported or otherwise (doesn't meant it won't happen). The market is flooded with small 4 door, small box pickups at least down in NZ and Australia. However, I believe the front doors are the same between the 3rd and 4th Gen Explorers (3rd gen Exs and 2nd gen STs). It appears that the mirror housing shape is different and more rounded, so you'd have to pursue both sides to match. They are out there though.
