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Supercharged Explorer


Explorer Torture Tester
Elite Explorer
April 3, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Gloucester City, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 2Dr,2,000 & 04 4dr xlt
Happy thanksgiving!

Just posting this here for anyone who hasn't seen it already.


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for anyone that lives close to 4pointslow, make it a bucket list item to see this truck, and meet him in person. i did a few years back. if you have viewed his thread on his truck, it does it no justices and must been seen. total sleeper, and well as 4pointslow is as smart as he is a great guy!

I don't know about all that but the truck sure is unique.

Explorer Lights - Copy.jpg

12.83 1/4 mile in a 4wd sport V6!!!

I love it!!

Thanks for sharing.........Happy Thanksgiving!!

12.806 1/4 mile
Did I update in the official 1/4 mile thread? I may have forgot.....

I updated my signature and sent PM to have official 1/4 thread updated.

Atco Raceway is closed tomorrow due to cold temperatures.

Dang! Spectacular.

That Is some sleeper.

Atco Raceway is closed tomorrow due to cold temperatures.

Big bummer.... Any more test and tune dates this year? Curious to see what the giggle gas does......

Big bummer.... Any more test and tune dates this year? Curious to see what the giggle gas does......
Yes but I don't know if I will be able to make it to one.
There is one this Sunday and it is supposed to be 55F.
Maybe I can go, we'll see.

"That Is some sleeper"

.I agree but
That hood says "hmmmm maybe something to this explorer?" LOL

That hood scoop was hideous! LOL
It was an eBay special that bolted on. I installed it over a hole (in this spare hood I bought) where my Lightning Supercharger stuck out through the top.
I have since changed the supercharger to a GT500 supercharger (Eaton M122) since it has a side inlet, and was able to install the stock hood again.
This is a more current picture.


