Squealing coming from the engine | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Squealing coming from the engine


Elite Explorer
September 2, 2018
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2000 ford explorer 94 xlt
Hey on my 91 ford explorer I'm having a problem where every time I accelerate I get a squill that comes from the engine eventhough I just replaced the alternator and the tension pulley and the other pulley what could it be I also had to replace the belt because it snapped when my alternator went out on me

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Check to make sure all the pulleys are in proper alignment with each other. Make sure the belt installed is the correct length.

We already made sure the belt was the correct length but we will make sure that my machanic put the belt on in proper allignment thank you

Could it not be the engine and something else? Maybe a transmission noise? Torque converters can make funny noises if the internals are failing. The only other things in your serpentine system would be power steering and AC. Check those too. You can put a long screwdriver to your ear and touch it to components to pinpoint noises. Just be careful where you place it so it doesn't get caught in moving components by accident!

Is the squealing intermittent or constant? Does it happen when the A/C is on or off? Does it happen during tight turns?

If it's a constant noise, then I would look at water pump or power steering, if it's intermittent and the A/C is on it may be time to look at a new compressor.

Well just looked at it yesterday to see if it was the water pump because of the first issue I had with that truck and it wasn't thank you for the other thoughts but they just wouldn't work

Well just looked at it yesterday to see if it was the water pump because of the first issue I had with that truck and it wasn't thank you for the other thoughts but they just wouldn't work

Your 91 has an oil pump drive unit, called tha cam sensor on later ( 93-up) models. It squeeks. Toward rear of engine, on top, tucked under the upper plennum. The short style like yours can be replaced with the upper intact, and, it needs no special alignment. You're welcome.

