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Highway vibration issue


Well-Known Member
February 10, 2019
Reaction score
City, State
Jacksonville FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 Explorer 5.0 rwd
so I’ve been fighting with basically death wobble since I went to 33”, it shakes above 60. It’s not that big of a deal but I would like to be able to do 65 for road trips.
I have 33/12.5/15 on 15/10, spindle lift about “factory” ride height, and I replace all control arms as well as inner and outer tie rods. All the components of the front suspension are new except the torsion bars and rack. I had the tires balanced twice where I bought them, and I’m currently running those self balancing beads at 8oz per wheel, same result every time, actually got slightly worse with the beads. I’m fairly certain it’s just the cheap tires I bought, but I figured I’d throw out a feeler to see if the hive mind might know something I missed?

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Oh and I did a string alignment when I installed all those parts, then had a shop do a real one.

When I had some vibration issues after installing a pair of used tires bought from Discount Tire on eBay, they recommended finding the closest business that uses a Hunter Road Force Touch GSP9700 balancing machine. GSP9700 Locator

The tires were mounted and balanced twice, before I called Discount Tire on what to do. After they were balanced on the Hunter machine, no vibrations.

Road Force® Elite Wheel Balancer | Hunter Engineering Company

Not sure if the balancing beads will mess up the balance overall after getting them balanced with the Hunter machine :dunno:

A road force balancer is a great idea for any balancing issue or nice car etc.

BTW, check your TRE's again, very carefully. A death wobble will often ruin brand new TRE's, which then contributes more to the issue.

I fixed the death wobble of my sister's 2007 Rangler Unlimited two years ago. It had been worked on by a Firestone place, and I had her go to my trusted alignment shop next. Long story short, that truck's one year old track bar and TRE's were wore out when I got to it, but I didn't know that for a while.

I assumed my alignment shop didn't miss anything, so I did the BJ's and TRE's first as a basic step. Those were all bad, so I was very disappointed with my "trusted" shop. That didn't fix it, so after new control arms, an aftermarket bolt kit, and a pitman arm next, I discovered the new TRE's were again toast. New TRE's again didn't fix it, so I lastly bought another track bar, and that did it. The TRE's are easy to check, and usually the weakest links, wear out the fastest with any death wobble.

Use a very large channel lock to squeeze a TRE gently. If it compresses at all, it's not good.

There is a tire shop near by that dose road force balancing, i guess I’ll get that done. I’ll check the ends when I switch the wheels out.

Hey that locator is awesome! Thanks! Turns out the shop I was going to is on the list, so that works out perfect!

Nice! The one I was going to went out of business :(
