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June EF Lottery

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Keep on wheelin John Rock
Elite Explorer
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August 17, 2009
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Since winter is now over (in most areas) June's Lottery theme is "Winter". This month post media or a story to go into the drawing for a free one year Elite membership. The entry can be of trailing, driving, or just winter conditions in the area you live. It is understood that winter conditions are not the same everywhere. Does not have to include snow, etc.

Ending date and drawing date will be on or about July 7th.

Goal: To encourage members of the Explorer Forum to submit a photo and/or vid, or written story in accordance with the theme and award one member with an one year elite membership.

Only one submission to be entered into the drawing per member. Submission can contain multiable pics and or video(s) and/or links to pics/vids. Members are encouraged to post positive feedback.

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Here are two pictures from this past Winter, from a few short videos I made while delivering mail. This was on Settlers View Ln, which is high up with a great view of Wears Valley 37876, when it's not foggy or snowing.

Winter 2019.jpg

Winter 2019 2 .jpg

Ice is nasty. Where do you buy spiked tires for that?

Ice is nasty. Where do you buy spiked tires for that?

If I remember right, tire shops used to install studs in regular snow tires. I may be showing my age though. LOL

If I remember right, tire shops used to install studs in regular snow tires. I may be showing my age though. LOL
Age, my snow tires are over 10 years old. I bought new ones with studs in late 2017 that I haven't needed yet. I was talking about way up North where they race motorcycles with spiked tires. I've seen them on TV, but I love the idea for racing, and the spikes are really long, maybe 2". That can't be done for street tires, but it's old daydream I had for iced roads.


At Scout camp...


At hunting camp with the new 32" tires (245-75/17 no rub, no lift) ...


not much snow last year...

We did a poker run a few years ago near Reno, NV which required us driving through the Sierra Nevada mountains near Tahoe, and we got trapped in an unexpected blizzard as it was getting dark. I was 2WD at the time with no chains, no experience driving in snow, and my heater quit working that day. Once we finally got moving after waiting hours to get through the chain check, it was really sketchy getting down into Nevada. But we had a blast and my friend made a cool video from the trip!


Ever heard of the Donner Party in the 1800’s? They weren’t prepared for a snowy winter, got stuck in a mountain pass, and ended up eating each other to stay alive.

Fast forward a little over a hundred years, July, and I (and my 60's Volvo sedan) decided to drive Interstate 80 from Sacramento, California to Reno, Nevada (over the 7000 foot Sierra Nevada pass where the Donner Party got stuck).

It was just a day trip to play some slot machines, have a couple free drinks and a cheap buffet. And it was SUMMER so I didn’t even carry a jacket, let alone chains, winter gear etc. Having been taught about the Donner Party in school, I should have known better…

When it was time to go head home, I saw some really nasty clouds to the west. Yes, it was a freak snow storm in the middle of July!! I couldn’t get over the pass, got one of the last motel rooms in a little town called Truckee, and woke up to the sound of snow plows. All in all, a horrible experience.

But the silver lining is I sold the sedan and bought my 93 Explorer 4WD and resolved to: ALWAYS carry winter gear if I’m going over 6000 foot elevation; never count on weather forecasts; and take the stuff I learned as a kid in school seriously. :)

[Not for submission]

My friend Bram lives in the Netherlands and comes to the US occasionally on vacation. If it is winter, I always take him out to the mountains for some driving in the snow.

We were in the middle of nowhere, on a remote forest service road, when we came upon this pickup stuck in a ditch. It was the girlfriend’s car, her boyfriend was driving it, he did the “hey, there’s a road!” (which we have probably all done), and drove right into the ditch. His girlfriend was sure PISSED at him!

Since I believe in wretched excess when it comes to snow traction and recovery (lessons learned from the Donner Party), Bram and I were able to get them out and on their way back to Reno. NV.

Bram snow adventure trip.jpg

[Not for consideration]

My friend Bram lives in the Netherlands and comes to the US occasionally on vacation. If it is winter, I always take him out to the mountains for some driving in the snow.

We were in the middle of nowhere, on a remote forest service road, when we came upon this pickup stuck in a ditch. It was the girlfriend’s car, her boyfriend was driving it, he did the “hey, there’s a road!” (which we have probably all done), and drove right into the ditch. His girlfriend was sure PISSED at him!

Since I believe in wretched excess when it comes to snow traction and recovery (lessons learned from the Donner Party), Bram and I were able to get them out and on their way back to Reno. NV.

View attachment 171444

[Not for consideration]

That's a great story. We all dread the thought of ending up stranded far from roads or help. That's part of why I jumped ship off the route I was on last Winter, stuck up on the high roads no tow truck might come for a day or two, or more.

February 20 2019. One of many storms we got this year in Utah!


Of course, not for consideration in the contest.

This story happened when I was 19 or 20. In other words, many, many moons ago ;)

I was living in my parents house North of Chicago and I needed to go to Cleveland Ohio to check out a trade school for diesel technology. Google Maps shows the distance is 368 miles.

I left early in the morning and arrived in Cleveland in time to take a tour of the school and take their entrance exam. My original plan was to go from Cleveland to my friends place in Michigan that night but I changed my plans after hearing about a huge winter storm that was supposed to come in the next day. I couldn't risk being stuck out of town since I was broke with just enough money for fuel and food. I didn't have any extra cash for emergencies, or credit cards either.

I hit the road back to Chicago that same afternoon. I remember that when I started off I was driving in completely clear conditions, but once I got into Indiana I hit some of the heaviest snow I've ever seen. It was practically white out conditions. The freeway was down to one lane and semi rigs were "breaking trail". The snow kept getting deeper, and I kept pushing on. I thought about stopping at a rest area, but the car I was driving had a bad exhaust leak and I was afraid of carbon monoxide poisoning.

As the snow continued to fall throughout the night my eyes were getting so tired, if I had toothpicks to prop them up I would have used them. After driving for what seemed forever, I was grateful to have made it to the Chicago Skyway. Even though I was still probably an hour and a half from home, I knew I could make it from there.

Congrats to @mounty71 whose entry was drawn as the June EF Lottery winner!


Congratulations, and have more fun(with pictures) in the snow.

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