exhaust smell in cabin with windows or sun roof open | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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exhaust smell in cabin with windows or sun roof open

i could whip this up for you if you wanted to try it


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This thread is getting out of control.


I'm surprised you don't get a smell with dumping your exhaust under your truck like that. Interesting.
The time I was hoping to spend sealing my tailgate and looking for issues in that area just got swallowed up by me now needing to replace my header gasket. I was hard on the gas this morning, and blew out a section of the gasket. ****.

Make sure you are putting Ultra Copper RTV on both sides of the gaskets, it will keep them in place.
If that doesn't work you may want to check exhaust back pressure between the heads and Turbo.

header leak fixed. I used a remflex gasket, so no ultra copper was used. i think the bolts could have used a re-torque, and that might have contributed to the gasket blow out.

I started on the tailgate tonight. There is a vent there with flaps. The flaps looked like they were still intact and shouldn't allow much air in to the cabin. I decided to seal them with tape, just in case I decide there are negative effects of sealing this and I want to easily remove them.

As we all would have expected, the factory plastic covering the holes was loose and letting all kinds of air in. Back to the original bong analogy. I think this is exactly what was happening.

I sealed all holes tonight as best I could. Not much I could do about the interior panel clip holes. Tomorrow I need to pick up some acoustiseal in a tube and use it to re-apply the factory plastic so get a really good seal. Then I'll put the vent back on and hope its sealed really well back there.

More to come, hopefully tomorrow.






Aren’t the ones on the hatch there to relieve pressure when you close it :dunno:

I have no clue. Definitely to relieve high pressure in the cabin.
I really don't think I need to seal those, as the flaps do a pretty good job of sealing so when the cabin is in a negative pressure situation those flaps would be closed. I'm sealing them anyway, if for no other reason than curiosity.

What are you using to reattach the plastic film over the whole hatch? That I haven't thought of a good product yet. I can say don't use RTV, the Ultra Black is stronger than the plastic, and removing the plastic the next time is tough.

I used the same stuff that you use for construction vapour barrier.

This stuff stays soft, and is kind of a tar substance. Don't use it.

What a mess. I had black gooey strings hanging down everywhere. F'n mess. After I did get the factory plastic back up I used construction tape to make sure it was taped up there. I really hope I'm not the guy to have to get in to that rear hatch again. I really hope no one has to get in to that rear hatch cavity.

Probably the best thing would be to use double sided carpet tape on the factory plastic to make it stick again. I didn't want to put the money in it though.

No pics. My hands were black and gooey. That stuff does not come off easy. Paint thinner, rubbing alcohol, that sort of stuff required for removal. Gloves would have been a smart thing. Not a pretty repair, but that hatch is sealed pretty darn good.sealing job.
Once the trim wen't on, it hid the not so professional looking job.

I also moved the hatch away from the glass slightly to make sure the hatch glass was sealing well. Then I moved the two hatch latch posts in slightly to pull the hatch a bit tighter. It's been rainy here, but hopefully tomorrow I can go for a drive with a window down and see if this was the fix.

Wonder if heat shrink window insulating film over the entire area would have worked?

Use tape around the perimeter, then hit it with a hair dryer, and done. I know, too late now! lol

Interested to see if this helps or not with those fumes. :popcorn:

i have used vapor barrier and masking tape in the past. guess that doesnt help you now. also, if we ever have to take the panel off, i think one of the parts trucks is the same color, just dont know if its marked up or not

Its all going to be ok, just going to take lots of clean up if it comes apart again. That gooey stuff will take some stinky chemical to get cleaned off. Its stuck on there good now. lol. The repair just didn't look very pretty till I covered it with the interior panel. I'd love to see the look on the next guys face if he pulled that panel off, then tried to pull the factory plastic off. lol. It's like a trap.

I don't think the shrink stuff would be strong enough once you pierce it with the rear panel clips.
Anyway, its done and together. It finally quit raining so I'll be able to drive with a window open on the way home from work.

I used rope butyl from NAPA to reseal some areas of the vapor barrier. It was leftover from when I swapped out my passenger rear cargo area window.

In my Paseo, the rope butyl was close, or identical, to the stuff they used at the factory to seal the vapor barrier.

I've never heard of that stuff. Awesome!
