Husky liners now available | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Husky liners now available


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Elite Explorer
February 25, 2011
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2020 Explorer ST
Husky liners are now available (front/2nd row). Part numbers are in the pic.

I searched Amazon and although not in stock, they are almost 30% off so I placed my order now to lock in that price. Will ship as soon as they get them.


Screenshot_20191118-113352_Amazon Shopping.jpg

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This time I think the OEM may be the better choice as it covers a little up the side of the seat. I already miss the ability of my previous Husky liner to be able to slide under the accelerator since they changed it to a floor mount.:(


front liner.jpg

Came home expecting the husky liners (per amazon tracking) only to realize the 2nd row was the only one to arrive.

The fronts shipped today so wont have them till next week.

Same awesome quality and material, very flexible and full coverage. Ignore the bottom eight of the drivers side.. it isnt deformed, I just didnt push it down enough. They are so form fitting it's like they need to be pushed and snap into place.


Came home expecting the husky liners (per amazon tracking) only to realize the 2nd row was the only one to arrive.

The fronts shipped today so wont have them till next week.

Same awesome quality and material, very flexible and full coverage. Ignore the bottom eight of the drivers side.. it isnt deformed, I just didnt push it down enough. They are so form fitting it's like they need to be pushed and snap into place.

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I’ve had the Husky Liners in for a few weeks. I really like them better than the Weather Techs I had in my last two Explorers. Just waiting on the third row to be available.

If anyone is looking for husky mats, I'd recommend buying through Back Country Truck. They were the cheapest so far and wanted to give them a shout out because of how they handled my order.

So I ordered through Amazon (shipped and sold by them) as it showed 1 in stock for each. Amazon gave me a 6-9 day delivery time frame since it wasnt prime. After 5 days, I emailed them inquiring when it will ship. I received a response almost immediately and it had already shipped but was never updated and tracking was provided. It actually shipped 2 days after I ordered.

As stated above, both items showed shipped once updated but when I came home, only had the rears. Another email to them inquiring what happened with the fronts gave me another reply within minutes apologizing about the issue. They were shipping me out another front set immediately and said they would provide a tracking number (this was yesterday evening).

This morning I had an email from them with the tracking number and again apologized about the shipping issue (I believe this to be a fedex issue, not the vendor based on the tracking info I had/have) and they issued me a full refund for the front mats. I was simply amazed by their level of customer service and quick response. And to issue a refund for what I believe was a FedEx just goes above and beyond what was needed.

So with that, I figured I'd owe them a shout out for their A+ service on here. My fronts are showing Monday delivery. I'll definitely buy the 3rd row and storage mat from them once Husky releases it.

Fronts are in.


They told me today that the 3rd row and rear trunk area should be ready the last week of December.

If anyone is looking for husky mats, I'd recommend buying through Back Country Truck. They were the cheapest so far and wanted to give them a shout out because of how they handled my order.

So I ordered through Amazon (shipped and sold by them) as it showed 1 in stock for each. Amazon gave me a 6-9 day delivery time frame since it wasnt prime. After 5 days, I emailed them inquiring when it will ship. I received a response almost immediately and it had already shipped but was never updated and tracking was provided. It actually shipped 2 days after I ordered.

As stated above, both items showed shipped once updated but when I came home, only had the rears. Another email to them inquiring what happened with the fronts gave me another reply within minutes apologizing about the issue. They were shipping me out another front set immediately and said they would provide a tracking number (this was yesterday evening).

This morning I had an email from them with the tracking number and again apologized about the shipping issue (I believe this to be a fedex issue, not the vendor based on the tracking info I had/have) and they issued me a full refund for the front mats. I was simply amazed by their level of customer service and quick response. And to issue a refund for what I believe was a FedEx just goes above and beyond what was needed.

So with that, I figured I'd owe them a shout out for their A+ service on here. My fronts are showing Monday delivery. I'll definitely buy the 3rd row and storage mat from them once Husky releases it.

Back Country Truck website do not have Hucky mats in stock. I chose 2020 Explorer, chose floor mats and non are available. I clicked on the floor liners section, selected our vehicle but it only shows as Westin brand mats are available. No other brand. Maybe I am searching wrong on their website or maybe they are out of stock. I wanted to order the front and the rear ones today.

Back Country Truck website do not have Hucky mats in stock. I chose 2020 Explorer, chose floor mats and non are available. I clicked on the floor liners section, selected our vehicle but it only shows as Westin brand mats are available. No other brand. Maybe I am searching wrong on their website or maybe they are out of stock. I wanted to order the front and the rear ones today.

Screenshot_20191211-053909_Amazon Shopping.jpg

Screenshot_20191211-053856_Amazon Shopping.jpg

husky is now showing their 3rd row on their website, # 55221 for $108. I just preordered it on Amazon for $79.48.

husky is now showing their 3rd row on their website, # 55221 for $108. I just preordered it on Amazon for $79.48.
Just got a notification that my third row will be delivered on Monday.

Just got a notification that my third row will be delivered on Monday.

Just got notification mine just shipped and will be here Thursday.

Does anyone else have this issue with the front passenger mat? Looks roast-beefy around the perimeter. The drivers side fits Gluck and nice so I don’t think this is normal...



Does anyone else have this issue with the front passenger mat? Looks roast-beefy around the perimeter. The drivers side fits Gluck and nice so I don’t think this is normal...

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I noticed the right side like yours when I first took it out of the box. I felt like the mats were really molded to the floor tightly so they almost needed to be snapped into place. I messed with it a little and believe I resolved it.

I'll take a look tonight when my wife gets home with it

Love 'em. Getting my splash guards from Weathertech. Huskies cargo liner from the 2nd row back is supposed to be avail later this mo

Nope. Weathertech does have them. Mine are on the way. Already have the WT cargo liner. I simply wasn't going to wait for Husky to get off the dime.

Nope. Weathertech does have them. Mine are on the way. Already have the WT cargo liner. I simply wasn't going to wait for Husky to get off the dime.
Husky cargo liner still not available. The Weathertech is a pos. Not worth the money IMHO. It is more than evident it was rushed to market. It has no anti-slid nibs on the bottom. It migrates badly with any cargo such as groceries on it. Gentle driving I should add. No hard corners or stop/starts. Wished I'd kept the packaging. I'd send it back.

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This time I think the OEM may be the better choice as it covers a little up the side of the seat. I already miss the ability of my previous Husky liner to be able to slide under the accelerator since they changed it to a floor mount.:(


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Do they have the Lincoln emblem embossed into them ? Makes me wonder what the Explorer mats have ?
