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Aerostar 3.0L engine removal & rebuilding.


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November 11, 2005
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Brooklyn, NY
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88 89 93 95 96 Aerostars

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This paint job is awesome--


And brake lines, Steering shaft, + +...........
Then you have to realign it & bleed the brakes after you get it back together.
Which you don't have to do pulling it through the front.

That's why I went through the front. You'll be suprised how many shops pull the engine through the Front but charge for lifting the body off the frame.

Besides I can, Taking my time with a lunch break and a couple of Bathroom breaks.....
Remove everything I need to, Drop the transmission, Pull the engine & get it on the Stand, Plus tear the engine down in less that 8 hours.

Welcome to this forum! I have a few questions for you. The front frame (radiator support) is welded together. How did you disconnect everything on the front support? What other projects have you done so far? How did you find my thread to the link on your website?

OK..........The radiator support is only welded on 2 sides. The top bar with the hood latch is only screwed on, by 6 body screws. Afer you remove the fan shroud,the radiator and the A/C Cond. Take loose the 6 screws, Lift up the bar and unhook the latch release cable. Set the top bar aside.

The electrical harness unplugs on the left-side and you can lay it over on the right-side out of the way.

I've pulled and rebuilt (2) 89 Aerostar engines this way. I also rebuilt the A4LD Transmissions in them too. Plus other odds and ends.

I found this link from this forum......
.....I belong to.

