Buying a Toyota.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Buying a Toyota..


Linux Guru, Jack of All Trades
Staff member
Elite Explorer
January 17, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Pinole, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 F250/XLT Superduty
Dang, this all feels so wierd to me.. I'm actually buying a brand new car. No, really, it's wierd for me, I haven't bought a new car for over 22 years. Everything has been used.

Even crazier, it's an automatic.. but that's beside the point, or, how about this has only been on the market for about 30 days?

Sometime this week, we will be picking up a brand new, 2012, Toyota Prius C, model 2, in Red.

50 combined, 52 in city, 46 highway, and according to everything I've read to date, that is LOW for this vehicle.

:burnout: :bounce:

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Seem to be a great commuter car. I presonaly am not a big fan of Hybrids, but with the price of fuel and everything else going up they are becoming more apealing.

With gas prices rising and rising, I see a hybrids paying for themselves sooner, but is it soon enough...?

If my Paseo was worth a optimistic $3000, it would take you 22+ years for the Prius to pay for itself :D
I'm with you (and I'm not going to trade my Civic anytime too soon) - but of course the new Prius are targeted for those look for... well.. a new car. That and people who are getting half or less of the Prius' MPG ratings.

We went from 22mpg (1998 Honda CRV) to getting 55mpg with the new Prius C; and that is with LOTS of highway miles. Gas around here is expensive too.. almost $4.10 a gallon. So it will cut our gas bill in half, or even more.

The Honda CRV my wife bought new in 1998.. so we have no plans to currently sell either one.

The Superduty gets 18mpg on the highway, 14mpg in city.. Now that one is hard to believe at times (what, almost 9k lbs, and it gets that good of milage?)

Tom, how is the sound system in the Prius?

It's ok. Nothing really seriously good about the level 2 radio. The speakers work, and that's about it.

But, the radio in the 3 & 4's really suck in comparison to the price.

I am waiting for the bezel's to be released, and then I'll start looking for a decent radio.
