Calif. withholding Millions in OHV funds | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Calif. withholding Millions in OHV funds


Moderator Emeritus
Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
..Remember a while back when California was going to shutdown OHV areas due to not being able to further fund them?

..Nonprofit and other Private Sector's donated Millions to State Parks threatened with closure.

..The money later disappeared and became "Hidden Funds"..

California will not return money directly to nonprofits that provided funding for state parks threatened by budget cuts without knowledge of a $54 million agency surplus. [Sacramento Bee]

AB 1478, signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown in September, reallocated more than $10 million of the $54 million in hidden funds to “dollar for dollar” grants to match nonprofit contributions and other private sector donations to state parks threatened with closure. Yet, state lawyers ruled that matching donations with cash violated the California Constitution because it constituted a “gift of state funds.”

Investigation finds State Parks deliberately hid some funds

The California State Parks Department’s failure to report more than $20 million in funds to the state was “conscious and deliberate” since 2003, according to the state’s attorney general office in findings released on Friday.

The investigation involved interviews with 40 witnesses who had knowledge of State Parks financing. The unreported funds, which also included $34.5 million from the Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Fund, were revealed in July, shortly after dozens of state parks slated for closure because of budget shortfalls passed into the hands of nonprofits and government groups to operate.

..The Attorney Generals Report..

.."has revealed for more than 12 years the department underreported tens of millions of dollars to the Department of Finance"

..You know the sad thing about this...

..A lot of money was raised by the people that use these parks and when they were threatened by the State to have them shut down due to lack of funding, these park guest payed to not only keep them open, the State increased the fees to these parks..:rolleyes:
