Disabling Auto-lock / unlock | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Disabling Auto-lock / unlock


Explorer Addict
December 28, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Orange county, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Explorer 4X 4.0 ohv
Hey gang,
First of all I must vent ....not sure why Ford didn't include an EVIC in my Eddie Bauer version ..!?? ....okay...done venting....for now..
So being I don't have this....if I bring my rig to a deal$hip can they hook up to the BCM and disable my Auto-lock/unlock feature---feature when starting / turning off vehicle activates lock/unlock accordingly ....

Being that I have two doors with lock issues that sporadically lock/unlock that I don't want to fiddle with now....two different reasons for problems....I know this much so far...


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You can turn the feature on/off yourself.

Turn ignition ON/ACC
Press UNLOCK 3 times
Turn ignition OFF
Press UNLOCK 3 times
Turn ignition ON/ACC (A horn chirp will indicate the enable/disable feature is entered)
Press UNLOCK 1 time
Press LOCK to toggle Autolock/Relock state.(Horn will chirp)
Turn ignition OFF

These steps must be completed within 30 seconds.
If re-do is necessary, you must wait 30 seconds.

This works on my 2000, hope it works for you.

Thanks!.....I'll give that a shot tomorrow...

This procedure did NOT work on my 95.... no horn chirp confirmations along the way either....

Sorry it didn't work on a 95. I took the procedure out of my 2000 Owner's Guide.
I neglected to mention that all doors and the liftgate/window must be closed.

If you have keyless entry, try this:
Enter the 5 digit entry code.
Press and release the 3/4 control while holding the 7/8 control.
Release the 7/8 control.
(The horn will chirp once if autolock was deactivated or twice if autolock was activated.)

If this doesn't work, maybe someone with the pre-2000 procedure will chime in......

EB4X, there is a difference in the earlier models.
Do a search for "disable autolock on 95 Explorer" and it will show
several threads on the procedure.

Thanks chief....found them!

UPDATE....so I tried the other procedure found on search here...almost identical to Runningon E's ...and this one chirped/honked accordingly but did not work....swung by local Ford and tech said the module to disable it might not even be included/installed in my rig...he stated sometimes the procedure I did wont work but enabling with laptop does....assuming module's there once again.
$80 to give it a shot!
And then there's the issue with my 95 having both an OBDII (inside cabin) and OBDI (in engine bay)....Ford "split" functions on my year....lucky me.....more time/hassle for mechanics... more $.
At this point I'm thinking of cutting wire/bypassing power locks 'for now' until fixing two doors e-locks moves up to priority list.....anybody have insight on doing this? Is this doable without loosing power to windows etc? One lock repair is going to require repair on door metal to get working so.....
P.S. Door key code stopped working and I can't find code from previous owner to re-fiddle with that.

The inside the cabin OBDII on our '95 isn't recognized by our Bluetooth reader. It powers the reader and pairs but that's about it. It lacks a few contacts. So close yet so far!


I guess I'm going to have to fix these two problem locks..
Something to ponder here: Granted somewhat rare scenario.....but what if I or another Explorer driver get into accident...become unconscious from accident... and bystanders trying to help me-- with seconds being crucial --fire / health whatever.....cannot get to me quickly because the doors are ALL LOCKED..... not good. And to reiterate Ford tech said all Explorers did not come with 'disable module/feature....
