How to: Building a rotiserrie | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: Building a rotiserrie


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
This is as far as I've got so far. All the steel is cut and drilled. I'm hoping to get a lot more done tomorrow. I'm building off of these plans:
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Here are pics of the finished product:

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Thats awesome!

Thumbs up to building your own :)

As much as I like wood... I wouldn't (ha ha) do that.

Sorry, into the scotch...

So that's how you guys keep the underside of your explorer's so dang clean!:p:

Here's the rear bumper mount brackets and part of the rotator axle assembly.

I just learned that the air conditioning doesn't like welding in the garage:( All that heat makes it tough to keep up.

i've been trying to find a way to make one of those for a long time, now i have the blueprints! muwahaha!

I just learned that the air conditioning doesn't like welding in the garage All that heat makes it tough to keep up.

^^^ and I bet the ants don't like it either!!!

I just learned that the air conditioning doesn't like welding in the garage All that heat makes it tough to keep up.

Yea but its a dry heat :D:D. Looking good:thumbsup:

A little more progress:

Yeah I cant wait till we see an upside down or sideways Dart :)

Whats the point of making this? :scratch::scratch::scratch:
(just really confused right now):D

It's for a "body off" restoration, where the body is removed from the frame and each are 'restored' separately. The rotisserie makes it 100000 times easier to restore the bottom of the body.

Edit: Rick beat me to it while I was thumbing through a dictionary looking for the correct spelling of rotisserie, lol.

Only the Dart doesn't have a separate frame. It's uni-body, the frame rails are integrated into the shell.

More progress. I'm hoping to finish it tomorrow:D

So do you just jack and pin, jack and pin, to get it up to height? Or.. whats the trick once the body is bolted to it?

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Good questions! Since this is built off of "some guys" plans and it's not a commercial product there are no real instructions:confused: Thankfully he built his for a Dodge Dart, so I can just look at his photos and compare.

I believe what I need to do is figure out how high the car needs to be in order for it to rotate on it's side without interference. From there I mark and drill the brackets, so I can run bolts all the way through. Then I get a long piece of steel bar and start rotating:D
