Lifting the rear end. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lifting the rear end.


Active Member
February 19, 1999
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`03 FX4II
What's the least expensive way to get rid of the rear end sag. My Explorer has 225,000 miles on it and the rear end is sagging. I've looked at helper springs both leaf and coil and I've also considered air bags or air shocks. What have other people used?

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an add a leaf should help ot... if that only semio corrects the problem you may want to also add lift shackles

I have used Add a leafs, as well as shackles in the rear. The add a leaf fixed the sagging problem, and the schakles added some rear end height. If you jsut want to get rid of hte sagging, go for the add a leafs from summit racing. They are cheap, only $26 or so as far as I remember.

Jester1994 is dead on on this one since all you've mentioned was fixing the "sag". You can also have the leaves re-arched but that'd cost more than just putting add-a-leafs on.

i suggest and add-a-leaf, it brought my rear end up about 1 1/2 up, and i've had about 700lbs on the back and no sag yet...that would be ur best way to go and the cheapest.

How hard are the add a leaf's to install? I would like to get rid of my sagging behind (on the X) :D

I have installed a set of Air Lift load air bags in the rear and they are great. Installed in about two hours for me. I only have one jack. If you don't do any hauling you don't need to get the compressor kit.

Right now I'm seriously considering air shocks. The bolts that hold the springs to the axles are really rusted and I'm sure that I'll twist something off if I try to remove them. For about $60-$70 I can get a set of Gabriel High Jackers or Monroe air shocks.

OZexplore said:
do they fit an X?

Everything but the main leaf (width is the same). See the my post in the Useful Threads forum.
