Loading Custom POI for Sync Navigation | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Loading Custom POI for Sync Navigation


February 12, 2012
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City, State
Roanoke, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Explorer Limited
Does anyone know if there is a way to upload custom POI's into a 2011 Explorer navigation system? This is a common feature on most portable (Garmin) GPS systems.

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Hi, rudylyon57!

Currently, custom POI's cannot be uploaded. I have submitted this as a future enhancement request for you. You can also post it on http://social.ford.com/your-ideas. :)


Loading POI into Navigation

Can you load points of interest fro places like the poi-factory.com into the explorer navigation system?

Can you load points of interest fro places like the poi-factory.com into the explorer navigation system?
As indicated in my PM, I have merged your thread with this existing one. I think you'll find the answer in the posts above.
Perhaps there has been an update to allow it but only Rebecca (FordIVTteam) will likely have that answer.


Can you load points of interest fro places like the poi-factory.com into the explorer navigation system?

As indicated in my PM, I have merged your thread with this existing one. I think you'll find the answer in the posts above.
Perhaps there has been an update to allow it but only Rebecca (FordIVTteam) will likely have that answer.


Hi, dtr and Peter,

My previous post still holds true; custom POI's cannot be uploaded.


Can I install custom poi on 2014 ford F350 navigation

I sure hope that this is possible. We just bought a 13'1" camper and I would like to think that my expensive trucks Navigation system won't be replaced by a cheap Garmin GPS that I have suction cup to the windshield just so I can use the custom POIs showing bridge elevations

I sure hope that this is possible. We just bought a 13'1" camper and I would like to think that my expensive trucks Navigation system won't be replaced by a cheap Garmin GPS that I have suction cup to the windshield just so I can use the custom POIs showing bridge elevations

Not possible.
