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Mud Flaps / Splash Guards / DIY Pics

So I am trying to install a set of mud flaps on my 18 and the 2 screws shown below do nothing but spin on both side of the car. What's the secret in removing these?


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Remove the center "screw" by prying and turning at the same time. Try sticking a screwdriver tip under the lip of the center screw while turning a little with the phillips screw driver. Once you get it started you can just pull it out by hand.

Once the center is out, the outer retainer will come out. Then, you'll see how it works.

To re assemble you just put the outer retainer in to hold everything where it needs to be, then push the center pin in to spread the retainer wings.

So I am trying to install a set of mud flaps on my 18 and the 2 screws shown below do nothing but spin on both side of the car. What's the secret in removing these?
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Mudflap Installation Problem

2013 Ford Explorer XLT, 109k miles.

I bought front and rear Weathertech mud flaps. On the front wheel arches, I am having trouble removing the two screws, on each side, that expand the rivets. The screws turn, but they will not back out. Am I stuck with drilling them out? If so, I may just send the mudflaps back.

I have a similar problem on the back. The phillips head plastic screws will not turn. The plastic will not hold on to the screwdriver. I can still install the rear mudflaps over those screws, but I'd prefer to do it correctly.

Just some minor problems.

Ended up prying those “screws” out and replacing with the push pin type (got a box at Harbor Freight) I put the Weathertech flaps on and they are great, no drilling and went on easy, look great, low profile, excellent fit and match the factory plastic. Next is the scratch guard kit...

I used factory OEM Mud flaps, since I was putting the winter tires on I removed the tires as I did this.


I went with the Ford OEM mudflaps and went on pretty easy. I rarely ever see Explorers around town with the mudflaps. Adds a very good look.

I went with the mud flaps from Weathertech. No drilling very easy install and look great. I can do without the Ford logo.
