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Nate's 2005 Explorer XLT 4X4

Here's my X, so far, but first a little background story...

So this Jeep is what I was going to buy. I was a few thousand short of it. :( It was fully loaded. Exhaust, Intake, Lift, Wheels, Fuzzy Back Seat :D (J/K). I failed on that then looked at a sport trac and ended up with this Tan Explorer. She's come a long way in just 5 or 6 months of owning her. So...
Its a 2005 Ford Explorer XLT with 4wd. I bought it on Friday July 9th, 2010. It had 60K miles when I purchased it. It now has 67K. So far I love having it. Gas mileage isn't so great, but I knew that when I purchased it. I have modded it up so check it out. Enjoy! :)

Day I bought it,

First Mod...An upper billet grille and a lower billet grille

Clear Corners;

Her first mud bath, no running boards


Future Plans, TRUXXX lift kit, Cragar Soft 8's or some new wheels, tail light guards, LED tail lights, black headlights, and a bunch of other stuff I can't think of. Any comments or suggstions are welcome.

EDIT: Update! :)
A couple months later, and here she is...
4th gen mirrors, Bull Bar, Aux Lights, New Speakers, New Pioneer HU, Painted Billet Grilles Black, Tail Light Guards, 4.0L Emblem, Intake, Exhaust, HIDS coming soon :)





Here's how she sits today (january 2011):

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Got some decals made. Thinkin of throwin them on the roof rack or on the safari rack

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They look wicked Nate, and will be awesome where ever you decide to bung em.


Next project for the Explorer. This shall be fun....

Well the new skid plates have been ordered. I have one for the Transfer Case, and one for the fuel tank. Transfer case skid plate comes on Monday or Tuesday, but the gas tank skid isn't supposed to come in until later on this month.

Skid plate 1 arrived. Nice heavy duty construction.

Glad it went well.

Skid plate looks wicked mate.

Well bad news to report. The transmission is a goner :(
Its still driveable, and will be rebuilt some day soon. I am planning on rebuilding it with high performance Mustang GT transmission parts so I can abuse the transmission more and get more life out of it.
So far the list goes; broken input shaft, enlarged servo bores, and a bad solenoid pack.

Sorry to hear this Nate.

Took the truck to Westland Ford and they've diagnosed it, and are going to replace some parts (didn't specify what) for $1,000

NHarris said:
Next project for the Explorer. This shall be fun....

What is it?

And I like those decals. Where'd you get em'?

What is it?

And I like those decals. Where'd you get em'?

That is a blend door actuator.
And if you want those decals I can send you the .psd or .jpeg file via email. I made those based off of a SEMA explorer "emblem"

The motor is back together and running.
Progress picture:

The motor is back together and running.

Motor?? I thought it was the transmission that was getting fixed? :scratch:

Can you direct me to the part numbers for the skidplates you ordered? Did they come with all the bolts and such?

Motor?? I thought it was the transmission that was getting fixed? :scratch:

Can you direct me to the part numbers for the skidplates you ordered? Did they come with all the bolts and such?

The motor had leaks galore. Mainly vacuum leaks. I think the cold made it so when the motor was cold the gaskets werent sealing properly. The transmission gets fixed Tuesday.

As for ALL the skid plates, I'm taking pics of the receipts as its easier than typing all the numbers. It'll be just one minute

I think there's a few more nuts to go with the bolts but thats for your parts adviser to determine.




On the third picture you ONLY need the highlighted one as one of the part numbers has updated.

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The t-case skid plate just has 4 nuts that clip onto the frame and line up the holes bolt it on and torque to 53 lb ft.
The fuel tank is basically attached the same way, but it has 1 bracket that attaches onto a cross member.

So with all those parts listed above the answer is yes.
