Navajo, Explorer or Hybrid ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Navajo, Explorer or Hybrid ?

Navajo, Explorer or Hybrid?

  • Make the people think when they see it...Mazda Explorer?

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Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Working on my Plan B project has brought to my attention that Navajo parts are becoming very difficult to find. I need to find a new grill , header panel and headlights as the ones I have are cracked or broken. They don't make these parts anymore. So I ask do I try to keep it a Navajo or just go Explorer?

Option 1: Keep it original and keep looking for parts.

Option 2: Swap grill and lights and rear badge over to Explorer.

Option 3: Swap out just the head lights for Explorer ones and keep the center of the Navajo grill, as that part could be saved.

So I ask Navajo?, Explorer? Or hybrid?

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I vote keep it original. It'll keep the jeep guys guessing still as original as it is.


Original, If i found a navajo before i found my explorer i Would have bought one, there was a decent one just for sale here 110k on the clock. its just a treat to see something unusual. I directly relate that to why I love my 2 door sport, in my area I've seen maybe 2 or 3 and that was once or twice. also why watching people build up these ttb rigs is also nice to see!

I might be able to source the grille and headlights... pending a trip to the junkyards, and if there is a Navajo in there...

I might be able to source the grille and headlights... pending a trip to the junkyards, and if there is a Navajo in there...

Good luck, I have a set located in Nashville, and trying to get the CL seller to ship, but would be easier if I knew a member there.

There are used Navajo headlights on eBay...

Look what the UPS man brought me today:thumbsup:


