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Police Fleet Expo 2019 Savannah GA


Elite Explorer
February 22, 2011
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2021 Explorer ST
The PFE 2019 in Savanah GA is this week ( www.policefleetexpo.com ) and yesterday was the Track day with GM, Ford, and Dodge all showing the latest and greatest.

GM is down to the PPV Tahoe and a SSV pickup, they brought a civilian Traverse for customers to drive with Police decals on it but no mods. Not sure why perhaps they might engineer a PPV version?

Dodge had their Charger Pursuit and Durango Pursuit which many were interested in but as usual somebody else had the biggest line up waits.

At one point the line up to drive one of the Ford PIU's was 2 hrs long, even in the humid Savannah 90F heat.

If that's not an indicator of customer interest I don't know what is.

More photos to come.

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From the Ford Product Presentation at Police Fleet Expo

Ford has 13,400 orders in already for the 2020 PIU, more than 2019

So far they have built 2600PIU Hybrids

With the new dedicated assembly line they predict to build 4600 PIU HYbrids for August/September.

Sitting in wait are 6200 unscheduled PIU orders

The Hybrids are apparently being held for 30 days after building which I will ask more about as I didnt understand why but the PIU Hybrids will ship by end of August

If you order today they say your PIU will be built Nov/Dec

That other dedicated assembly line will be running by 4th quarter of 2019 to handle demand

Aluminum Hood Corrosion TSB and Water Pump TSB info was provided as well

PFE 2019 Slide.jpg

Just a couple interesting new issues for the guys here who do upfitting on PIUs

For 2020 the PIU has the Parking Brake release handle on the IP just below the HVAC controls. Unfortunately it's low so when you fit your 10" center console up against the IP it covers the release handle.

So your options are,

1. Relocate the Parking Brake handle location which can be done but its adding complexity and Ford recommends against it. I saw one console where the Parking Brake release was relocated to the top of the console.

2. Buy a new console that has a side cutout where the console covers the release and you can get your fingers in to use it.

3. Change console design, most console now are around 10" off the Ford base plate between the seats, now you will need it to be 7" at the IP. This can seriously screw up your equipment configuration and might be even more complicated depending on your layout.

The other issue is one I think will be a big deal and nobody has really understood it yet.

On the roof of the 2020 Explorer the design has changed and there are more raised ribs on the roof panel to add strength to the roof. Great for retail but not so great when you have to install antennas.

On the GEN5 PIU there was a large space in the rear middle of the roof just a head of the sharkfin where you could get some of the larger low profile Land Mobile Radio antennas along with Data/GPS antennas.

As most already know these antennas need a good ground plane of sheet metal (10-16") to work properly, they cant be suspended partially in the air. So now if you tried to install one of the existing low profile "Puck" antennas they wont sit down on flat sheet metal because there isn't enough room between raised roof ribs.

So this will fall back to the antenna builders to provide a baseplate or shim to compensate, none are designed or built yet as far as anyone at Police Fleet Expo knew.

Or if you have lots of antennas you may go with a full size antenna shelf/plate on the roof. But that adds weight, install complexity and decommissioning issues.

If the ribs are in the way for antenna mounts, I would consider making or having made some aluminum raisers to mount between the antenna and roof to straddle the ribs. Would look like a round puck with a slot cut out of the bottom for a rib. Provided the feed threw for the antenna mount is long enough. The roof ground plane will still be effective as long as the aluminum raiser has a good electrical connection to the roof and the antenna mount. Can do a 3d printer prototype then have a bunch machined out to cut cost down.

If the ribs are in the way for antenna mounts, I would consider making or having made some aluminum raisers to mount between the antenna and roof to straddle the ribs. Would look like a round puck with a slot cut out of the bottom for a rib. Provided the feed threw for the antenna mount is long enough. The roof ground plane will still be effective as long as the aluminum raiser has a good electrical connection to the roof and the antenna mount. Can do a 3d printer prototype then have a bunch machined out to cut cost down.

Interesting I didnt know you could use aluminum, thought it had to be steel for best ground plane.

To RF, any electrically conductive materiel will do, it does not need to be a ferrous metal like iron or steel. Even carbon fiber can be used if its all you got. Aluminum and copper are both better electrical conductor than steel and can make great ground planes. I would just make sure there is a good electrical connection between the aluminum puck and the steel roof and again to the antenna mount. Maybe, sand way some paint and use noalox grease to prevent rust and corrosion.

Do you know if it has active grill shutters like on the civilian Explorer?
