Quebec Owner!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Quebec Owner!!!!


Well-Known Member
July 16, 2007
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Hi. Is there any Quebec owner here?
If yes from what town???

Thank you and leave me a message....for others canadian owners....leave me a message if you find a cheap part store on ebay that stand in canada and ship to canadian...not usa that ship to canadian.

Thank you

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I just bought a stock 2000 4x4 XLS 4dr . Viens de passer l'inspection technique du SAAQ. I live in Montreal. I've been on this site a lot over the last few weeks while I am deciding whether to spend the money to make this Ex decent for offroad. Could get expensive,but it looks like fun.

Hey welcome to the ADDICTION. As to is it WORTH modding for offroad i say HELLS YEAH. I love my X all the more since i started modding for the MUDD & what not. BTW same X as i have there Vernichtung ;) ;) . check my mods they may give you some thoughts ;) :D

Quebec Owner's

I'm from Sherbrooke, I own an Super Explorer 94 Eddy Bauer and I enjoy it! I'm gonna make some mod soon for Trail purpose... If you have any hints or tricks let me know!

Granby beach. :D

Salut les gars.
Hi boys

Im from Montreal !

Montreal 2011 XLT is my DD. Just found some info I was looking for on this forum and plan to poke around regularly.

Salut les boys. 2000 Eddie Bauer 5.0 AWD lifted with 33s and other mods. I'm on the west island in Dollard des Ormeaux.

Hi there;
I'm from Longueuil.. I get my stuff from AutoPartsWay or RockAuto in US - They ship to CA, no issues so far...


I have Motorcraft Oil & Air filters for sale. For guys around montreal

they were bought for my ST but I changed truck this winter so im stuck with extra filters...

Will make good price

Je parle francais aussi.

Salur gang, nouveau aussi, Eddie Bauer 2003 et de Montréal!


Salut Nick. De quel coin?
