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How to: The Borg Warner 4405 Transfer Case Rebuild Diary

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ours was doing the same thing, turned out it was a broken spring,think glacier called an accordian spring , anyway with that spring broke there is no tension to keep the actuator balls center in the ramp,centrifical force takes over with no spring tension to hold it back thus ingages the clutch pac whenever truck is in motion. spring cost 6 bucks 30 for a new seal kit

Where did you get the spring? and what is the real name of it.

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Do you have or know of a link to the instructions to remove the transfer case? I may have the local shop do the rebuild for me.

Muy buena leccion sobre el transfer 4wd! Wonderfull,,,,saludos

Glacier991 - my '95 4wd control track makes a little grinding noise. I checked the t-case rear output shaft, it plays up and down when I move it. Can the play cause it?? Why is it playing? Is it the bearing??

Thank you very much!

output bearing

yes that's exactly where your noise 98 did the same thing @ 240,000 miles. there should very little slop there, so some attention is justified. that movement can also send weird harmonics through the drive shaft that could wipe out your pinion bearing.

Quick Check - Drain Some Fluid

I am coming off of a fresh rebuild of the 4405 on my '98 Explorer with the Automatic 4WD (BW4405 to CV Joints w/contained hubs). On my first visit to the mechanic, he downloaded the codes, replaced the engagement motor and sent me on my way. Two days later, I was without 4WD again. On the second visit, he did a simple check of the T-Case internals: He drained the fluid. The fluid contained metal pieces and then he knew the case needed to be rebuilt. If you are in doubt of your case's integrity and there are no fault codes being recorded (My 4WD HIGH and 4WD LOW lights were flashing simultaneously), I would recommend changing the transfer case fluid, or at least draining some first, for a quick check.

Nice write up, thinking of resealing of my transfer case (2002 Mercury Mounty AWD). Is there a how to with PICS available on how to remove and install the entire transfer case?

I just disassemble my transfer case and I have a question, can you help me?
The number 01 is locked in number 02, this is right? Or the number 01 should work moving into the number 02?
The teeth on my part (02) are very worn and locking the piece (01) and do not know if I should buy another piece.


Yeah, as I recall, 02 should be part of 01.

Then I can weld the piece (01) in part (02)?

Not cracked, but the teeth are worn and perhaps allow the part 01 move up within the piece 02.

I forgot: what made ​​me open the transfer case was a snapping sound when I accelerate the truck, even while in 4X2.

To confirm I pulled the chain and gears of the transfer box. I locked her in 4X2 and stopped clicking.

Before welding this I would do some more research. That is the electro-mechanical clutch. I believe 1 must move in 2 as the balls travel in the races to engage the front output shaft. Its been a long time since I had it apart but I would research a little more.

IMO, I dont think 01 moves in 02 or else clutch pressure would decrease.

As for the clicking, that could simply be a stretched chain.

I will replace the chain. Find it Necessary to replace the two gears the chain?
I will research more on the pieces. See the image That Increased my doubt, detail (7G362)


Chain loose makes popping sound even in 4X2?

The chain is always rotating because 1) the front driveshaft is rotating and 2) the front output shaft is never fully "disengaged" from the rear output shaft even when in 2wd/2hi mode (which is normal). So yes, it would make a noise even in 4x2.

Thank you for the information. The chain I will replace without question:thumbsup:

does loosening the nut on the output shaft in a counter-clockwise direction? just want to make sure before I use my impact.

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does loosening the nut on the output shaft in a counter-clockwise direction? just want to make sure before I use my impact.

