Window Sticks in Up Position (solved!) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Window Sticks in Up Position (solved!)


Explorer Addict
February 5, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Bemidji, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 4x4 Sport 88k
Symptom was the window sticking in the up position, never down or any place in the middle, only all the way up, maybe one time in ten.

Also, when stuck in the up position, when I tried to lower it, the dashboard voltmeter dropped a little bit. So, the motor was getting power, but it was stalled.

The only way to get the window down was to check it after going over a speed bump or some equally jolting/flexing task. Then, it rolled right down.

I replaced the plastic bushings and lubed the mechanisms. No help.

If you look you will see that the top edge of the glass goes fairly deep into a weather strip pocket or slot in the top window frame. So, I thought maybe the window was getting pinched or jammed in some way, in that slot. So, I rolled down the window and put a length of 1/4" cord in the slot, so the window would not roll up quite as far into the slot as it did before.

Six weeks later, no stuck window, not once.

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i sometimes have this problem being in fl during the summer..i spray some rubber conditioner up into the strippng a couple times a month and it also works good

So, I wrote this thread... it was dangerous to claim success, but I figured 6 weeks, storms, heat waves, I'm safe to say it's fixed if it worked for 6 weeks right?

I walked out, got in the exp, and the first time after proclaiming success... it sticks again. How can I be taken seriously at taco bell if my window doesn't roll down?

I'll be trying the rubber treatment this week.

haha ive had to drive thru the drive thru backward before (not in the suv) and it def gives people a confused look on their face

Post #2 i spray some rubber conditioner up into the strippng a couple times a month and it also works good

Where do you get rubber conditioner? The guy at O'Reilly looked at me like I was speaking Swahilee when I asked for it. He set me up with some silicon spray which seems to be working so far . . . but a conditioner would probably be better.

well i used to work at a bmw dealership and we used "wurth rubber care" on the bmws (i took a can one day and used it on the navajo). Its expensive for a consumer tho but im sure there are cheaper ones that work as well i just havent researched them.

I came back to this problem last week. I had it stick while I was home and had some time to actually work on it. I ran a strip of sheet metal between the seals and the glass all the way in, all the way around. No joy. A bumpy road free'd up the window. Now, I'm careful not to roll it up too far past the seals, and have not had problems.

To review:
The only thing I have done so far that made any change at all was pushing that cord up in the frame so the window didn't roll up so high. I had 6 weeks of no problems after I did that. Maybe the glass found a way around the cord. Maybe it is still getting pinched and my sheet metal test didn't touch the problem.

My dilema is, with winter not all that far away (in Minnesota seasons), I can't spend much more time troubleshooting this thing. So, next week, I will replace the motor, shove some more cord up in the slot, grease the slot with some vaseline, and liberally grease the mechanism with some mag-2 low temperature grease. Man, I am getting really fast at taking off that door panel!
