6th Gen 2020+ Photo Contest | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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6th Gen 2020+ Photo Contest


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Post photos of your stock or modified 2020+ Explorer. I will setup a 1 year Elite Explorer membership, or extension for the person whose photo earned the most "Likes". Contest will run until September 15, 2021.

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Since this Photo Contest add-on is new I will start by posting a test photo which will be ineligible for the contest..


Wow, it's like pulling teeth to get 6th gen members to participate even when a freebie is involved :(

Thanks for the entries. Keep them coming:chug:

Unable to see picture. "The requested page could not be found."


Here's mine:


Does this count? My mom jumped a curb and pushed 1500# rock about 18"
, got high centered on the downpipes, this is her 2020 Platinum
Damage is 99.5% cosmetic!!! It did slightly bend an AC line which we are not going to worry about replacing...... these suckers are tough!


The Explorer in the picture is not a 2020.
Does this count? My mom jumped a curb and pushed 1500# rock about 18"
, got high centered on the downpipes, this is her 2020 Platinum
Damage is 99.5% cosmetic!!! It did slightly bend an AC line which we are not going to worry about replacing...... these suckers are tough!

View attachment 342381

Photo won't count other than for humor ;)
Why would anyone claim that, though? :rolleyes: Too easy to check and not important enough to make a difference.

Its not? She bought it in 2020? I thought it was a 20. What is it and how can you tell?
Sorry I am not up on the 6th gen, in fact I did not even know it was a 6th gen until this thread, you see I still build the old ones
MY BAD! Being a moderator I knew my pic would not count towards the prize! Maybe I should not have posted it....sorry dudes, not trying to take away from your trucks
Next time Im at my moms I will check the door sticker. It must be a 19? I have a crappy memory for this stuff. Is a 19 a 5th gen? I have alot to learn about these 5th and 6th gens dang

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