Big Bear July 18,19,20 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Big Bear July 18,19,20


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March 4, 2007
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anaheim hills,california
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95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
...This is the discussion thread for the Big Bear July 18,19,20 run...

...This is fri-sat leave sunday camping trip to include the gold mountain run, and the rock garden...
...and here is a link to the Big Bear trip we just got back from..;)

For Sure's

Brother of Jefe

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In as of now.

Wow, that was quick!

If I'm still local, I'll probably only be able to make it for one day/night.

I'm Can't go....:(
Got college orintation that weekend

Too Bad....

Here's a link for the campgrounds on the forest with size/fee info for you to start looking at. Most of them on the Mountain Top Ranger District (MT) should be open, but some will undoubtedly be affected by the fire closures.

I'm out. I'll be working that weekend.:mad: Before gas prices soared I could say no to jobs, but now whole different ball game.


For camping, it's also possible to show up on Thursday and grab a yellow post site. No facilities, but no $$ either :). Don't wait until Friday for free campsites as all the good ones will be gone by Friday this time of year.

If, on the other hand you are loaded with $$$, there are some great B&Bs all across the mountains. There are even some within spitting distance of trails.

Count me in as of now but I will probably rolling stock. Hopefully I can at least get a TT and shackles with tires by then. If all else fails I can just park my ex and hop in with someone.

Any cost for camp site fee?? Adventure passes?? Green stickers??

Subbing to stay up with this. :D

...IIRC, camping is like 25 bucks for the campsgrounds that have showers, and some let you have a second vehicle for about $5...these campgrounds are on north shore drive, real close to the discovery center..;)...boomer12 posted in post #6, a link to the campgrounds...and as ritsui said, there are even free campgrounds... this time of year, reservations would be a plus as i have been up there to camp and couldn't even find a motel room...

...this brings up a good question...when is "miner's day's"???

Any cost for camp site fee?? Adventure passes?? Green stickers??
For camp site fees, click the link Boomer posted above. The only free camp sites are "yellow post" sites. They can be found along some of the trails.

Adventure pass is (about) $30. IIRC, a 2nd car pass is only $5 more.

subscribing - (but I'm taking my Scouts to Zion's starting that weekend.)

...for those who can't make it that weekend, is there another weekend in july which would be better???...4th of july should be a no for most people, especially boomer12..

...for those who can't make it that weekend, is there another weekend in july which would be better???...4th of july should be a no for most people, especially boomer12..

25-27th? I just can't do anything before the 18th.

All of July is pretty much bad for me, but I'm close enough that I can sneak up after work for a campfire song, or maybe even a night run...;)

...can you put in for a saturday off if we get a nailed down date..:scratch:...and any night run in big bear would be interesting...i'm gonna start cleaning my rock lights...:D

I'll wait till you get the dates finalized but we are in! I don't know about the camping thing though. I would like to stay at a motel because unless I bring my camper(too expensive) I am not going to tent it. I'm much too spoiled for that. I'm going to try to go with the folks at Inland Empire 4x4 club on their pre-run for their event in June. They are going out at the end of May and run Gold Mtn. the direction I crave. Great pics and video young master Chris.

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There are two other people on my module that have preplanned (approved) vacations out of state during the last 3 weeks of July, and (un)fortunately I've become to valuable when it comes to staffing needs.
