New Years at the hammers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Years at the hammers


Elite Ranger
Elite Explorer
January 14, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Fresno CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
86 ranger no more
Who is interested in this idea? Pretty sure I will have the week between Christmas and New Years off.

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Interested. It's closer than Truckhaven.. and I haven't been there for a long, long time!

and I don't have to be back to work till Jan 4th..

Interested but dunno how well my junk will fair there :dunno: of course there is the doubler thing too ;)

Looks like it is just DB_1 and Myself. Heading out Monday-Wednesday. Looking at doing clawhammer, aftershock, sledgehammer, jackhammer, maybe more maybe less. Sucks no one else wants to come out and have some fun :D Nether of us is big on pictures so there probably wont be be many.

still interested just need to see about getting the time off from work again.

so i am still a maybe at this point.

Are you locked front and rear? I can't remember. If you aren't most of the trails will be undoable. Dave might have an open seat I am not sure you would have to check with him.

Nahhh and Santa left no lockers under the tree either yesterday. :(

i'll hit up Dave and see if i can ride with him and be the Official Pic and Vid guy :D

I'd love to, but I'm stuck here until my collarbone heals..

Well I tried getting version 2 of my bumpstops done this weekend but I still need another day to finish. I'd finish it up tomorrow but i have this weird thing called work to do tomorrow:p:

this weird thing called work to do tomorrow:p:

Although I'm unsure what this is anymore...I wish I had too.:(

You guys missed out. Monday Tracy and I explored Blue Ribbon Mine out by Outer Limits trail as well as ran a trail called Boulder Dash. Tuesday we joined a group of Jeep Cherokees and ran Sunbonnet and Aftershock. On Wednesday we ran Tack Hammer, Claw Hammer and Boulder Dash with the same group of XJ's.

My truck has a few more dents in it as well.

You guys missed out. Monday Tracy and I explored Blue Ribbon Mine out by Outer Limits trail as well as ran a trail called Boulder Dash. Tuesday we joined a group of Jeep Cherokees and ran Sunbonnet and Aftershock. On Wednesday we ran Tack Hammer, Claw Hammer and Boulder Dash with the same group of XJ's.

My truck has a few more dents in it as well.

How did the new meats perform?

I would say traction wise about the same maybe a bit better. The extra height was a huge advantage. The rocks did chunk them out though.
