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caliper bolt

  1. D

    Caliper Bolt Sizes

    Kind of limited in my tool resources right now (just moved cross country, house still packed up). Can anyone tell me the sizes of the caliper bolts on the front brakes for an o8 ST XLT? My 15mm didn't seem to do it, so maybe 16 or 17mm? 3/4" perhaps? I'm taking the whole thing off and replacing...
  2. I

    Stuck caliper bolt.

    HELP! Attempting to change pads and rotors on my '06 XLT; I can not break loose either of the two 17mm caliper bolt (drivers side). Have tried PB pentrating lube, no luck. Used both 17mm socket and a 17mm wrench. Now nut head is starting to "round off". I dont have impact wrench, but will get...