explorer eddie bauer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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explorer eddie bauer

  1. N

    For Sale 97 Eddie Bauer 2wd 4.0 SOHC parting out

    1997 Eddie Bauer 2WD 4.0 SOHC wrecked in the front, the steering column has been pushed out of aligment so its not really practical to drive anymore. Still cranks and runs though, ac still blows super cold. Engine has about 147k miles, automatic transmission was rebuilt and has new torque...
  2. C

    Is there any way to get the sync system in my 07 EB

    I don't know much about cars but do know that I wish I had the Ford Sync system in my new (to me) 07 EB. Got a great deal but had to sacrifice the sync system and a tow package.