offroad | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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  1. My old 95XLT

    My old 95XLT

    My first Explorer. Offroad in the sand...I had a lot of fun with that truck...too bad it had to end. No more sand for me until I find a good old beater.
  2. Muddy fall day

    Muddy fall day

  3. tire stuff

    tire stuff

  4. Nitro MT Racer

    Nitro MT Racer

  5. Nitro MT Racer

    Nitro MT Racer

  6. boat or truck?

    boat or truck?

    I'm especially proud of this one-I had NO idea that the back end was under water!
  7. Wild Explorers

    Wild Explorers

    This is from the Paragon run in PA in April, 2002. Lots of fun!
  8. Sticker


    My Back Window Sticker