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  1. 9

    Explorer 98, 4 door -1 out of 4 lock / unlock problem

    Hello, 2nd generation Explorer owners. I'm from the Czech Republic and I own an Exe 1998, 4 doors, 4.0 SOHC. I left the car for about two months and now I find that something has happened to the locks. All doors, including the trunk, are locked using the central unit, but unlocking only works...
  2. B

    02 explorer 4x4 light low

    hello, i have a 02 explorer limited v8 and when i put the ignition key on it lights the 4x4 low light a few seconds and after a few seconds it goes out. (the drive is in 4wd auto.) same when you start the engine, 4x4 low comes on for a few seconds . after that nothing can be done with the 4x4...
  3. J

    Transmission clunk(metal on metal) when when first shifting from 1st into 2nd gear

    Hello, I have a 2005 ford explorer 4.0. it has 195k miles on it and i assume the second transmission in it (but I don't really know, i just read that those 5r55s transmissions blow up at about 135k miles). I did 3 pan drops and fills and had to replace the solenoid pack. My transmission makes a...
  4. ISTGradFromPSU

    Remote Start Heated Seats

    Thought i would throw this out there. There is a known issue with the 2016-2019 model year Explorers with integrated heated seats and remote start. I can only speak that it affects the limited trim and up with the heated and ventilated seats. I have my remote start climate settings set to "auto"...
  5. T

    14’ Sport driving issues.

    I bought a used 14’ Sport in January with 86k. Love the power of my car, I added a K&N cai and Diablo Sport tune. At 90k I had my passenger front wheel bearing changed. 99k a/c compressor, dryer, orifice tube, and front strut mounts. Thank God for extended warranties! I’ve only paid $100 for...
  6. L

    2002 Explorer Auto Lamps Problem

    hello, I hope you are well, I have a problem with my automatic lamps, when I put the switch of the lights in automatic position my lights turn on but never turn off being daytime unless the ignition is shut off after 30 seconds the lights off, I checked Fuses but all are good, someone has...
  7. A

    Air only coming through defrost - After thermostat housing replacement

    2001 ford explorer XLS, 4.0 sohc Okay, so I know I have seen this issue around the forums before but I can't seem to find it. The air set on max will not blow through vents, only through the defrost. It worked fine before I began performing a radiator flush/thermostat replacement.... in which...
  8. F

    2003 Mercury Mountaineer Loud chatter coming from underneath

    I woke up this morning to drive my girlfriend to work and the car was fine as the engine warmed up there was some strange chattering coming from maybe my feet. Seemed to be coming from the transmission because i’d put it in neutral and rev it and there would be no chatter. As i kept driving the...
  9. S

    Emission part won't reset, No codes

    I have an 2003 Ford Explorer Sport Trac XLT 4WD. It was a repo and I got the vehicle for under $900. The one who had it was rough as hell on it apparently, so I am having to work on it. I went to have it inspected and they said it was showing not ready. I hooked up the two scanners to it to...
  10. T

    5r55e 4th gear to 5th gear shift issue

    Hey guys, first post here, my girlfriend has a 98 4.0l explorer and its not a bad truck but the trans does have some issues. I noticed while driving it it did seem to skip, or slip a little usually while driving up a hill but sometimes youd feel in on flatland. It almost felt like an engine miss...
  11. M

    Driver Door Lock Problem

    Hello, I have a 99' Explorer Sport and I recently started using the key fob remote to lock my car again and recently the driver door lock won't go up. If I press the unlock button, it will go up a little and then go back to being locked. You cant open it from the outside after unlocking it. So I...
  12. C

    Servo O-Ring Mod A Permanent Fix For 5R55?

    I have a 2004 Eddie Bauer 2WD Explorer with a 4.6L V8. It has 206k on the clock. It has been a joy to drive and I've taken it on a lot of long, long road trips. I've also been pretty careful on the maintenance. There is one problem that is common with this vehicle, that I was afraid I would...
  13. G

    97 explorer sport steering problems

    hey does anyone know why my 1997 explorer sport stalls? when i turn the wheel from lock to lock (all the way left or all the way right) and also when i shift it from reverse to drive or park to drive. I could also be gently turning the wheel as i take off with out pressing the accelerator and...
  14. J

    Ford Explorer OHV 4l OD Light flashing!

    Hey, i got the infamous OD light flashing on me... And at first the truck was all normal. But now when i stop at a Junction to wait on a car its like the converter stops working. You can push Down the throtlle, and rev the engine. But you won't move before you change it from "drive" to "1" gear...
  15. S

    No headlights, only high beams?

    No clue what is causing this issue, Only the brights burn, no low beams. On occasion the low beams will stay on for a moment if you turn the brights off. Burning brights all the time isn't ideal. Currently my high beams are not that bright (could be the bulb or whatever is causing the low beams...
  16. C

    What is this ticking sound when starting 2004 Explorer? (Video)

    I have an 04' Ford Explorer 4dr XLT 4WD with 150K miles. Recently, there is a loud ticking noise coming from around the engine when I start the vehicle. It only lasts for about a minute or two, and then goes away and doesn't come back until after it has been started up again after being off...
  17. B

    Power Liftgate Issues

    This is crazy. Just purchased a 2014 Explorer XLT pretty much loaded. Had dealership activate remote start for us as part of deal, and of course order new keys. First set of keys were 4 button with remote start, but they forgot about our power liftgate on the original remotes, so they ordered 5...
  18. D

    Problem, about to stall and battery guage.

    Hello guys. I have remote start on my 2000 Explorer XLT 5.0. I remote started it today and when i got in. The rpms were running lower then normal, almost like she was going to stall. When i stop at a light or shes idling, The RPM would go up and down between 500-1000 RPM and it sounded like she...
  19. C

    '87 Bronco 2 4x4 issue

    So i bought an 87 bronco 2 5 speed with the locking hubs for 600 bucks, starts runs and drives just fine. Just a hunting rig. When i bought it i tested the 4 wheel drive and it worked great, shifted really smooth with no problems. I put my old 31 inch tires on it for a little extra clearance and...
  20. C

    Loud Whistle Noise When Moving (Consistent, Seems Unrelated to Engine)

    Hello All, I'm hoping the community can help me track down the cause of a surprisingly loud whistle-like noise that occurs only when moving. Here is a list of the conditions: Easily heard within the cabin Doesn't really fluctuate, definitely doesn't change with RPM Occurs even with engine off...
  21. T

    99 explorer trouble starting, loss of power and dying.

    Hey guys, so I have had this problem going on for a while now. At first it would lose power suddenly going up a mountain to get to work. I would have to switch it to nuetrel get the rpms up then switch it back to drive and it was fine. But now it is gotten worse. Starting it up it turn on but...
  22. M

    DRL, tail lights and dash lights not working

    So I turned my headlights on before and noticed that my dash lights didn't turn on. Then I got out and realized that my day time running lights, tail lights and license plate lights were also not on, only the headlights were on. Any one have any ideas on what could be wrong? I checked the fuse...
  23. D

    *Please Read* Heat Promblem Still Not Fixed?

    Hey everyone, so today was a busy day. I changed the spark plugs and wires on the Explorer, it runs a lot better now. Finally! But the other problem I was trying to address was how come I have no heat. I took the dashboard apart and got access to the heater core. I let the truck warm up and it...
  24. D

    Heat Not Working

    Hello, I have a 1992 Ford Explorer XLT. The current issue is that the heater doesn't work. All of the vents blow out air but it is not warm. I let the vehicle get to operating temperature and felt the hoses that go to the firewall and they were both warm. The top one was warmer then the bottom...
  25. J

    '98 Explorer blows heater all the time. No A/C

    So its a 98 ford explorer xlt. The heater is constantly on, coming lightly through the floor vents and defroster vents near the windshield. The blower speed knob works to change fan speed, but the knob to change temp does nothing and the directional knob to change vents does nothing. If it is...
  26. R

    2006 V6 Went Boom (please help)

    Okay so my 2006 explorer v6 xlt was fine. My dad hit a deer a while back when it was his but all that's been replaced except he said my radiator was cracked so keep up with your coolant every month or two. So I've been driving it around fine, no problems. Even some light to heavy mudding but...
  27. F

    2015 Sport didn't make it off the dealer's lot without issue - do I have a lemon?

    This was my first ever Ford purchase. I am still undecided if it will be my last. On Friday I never drove it off the lot because as the salesman was doing the walk through on the vehicle with me and my wife, the dealer was unable to lock the driver's door. All the other locks would work, but...
  28. J

    Leather Seams Issue

    I have a new 2015 Ford Explorer LTD. Just over 1 month old and 1000 miles. I noticed the passenger seat leather is starting to separate at the seams...the thread seems to be fraying and sticking up. I made an appointment with my dealer to take a look at this (the driver's side is fine)...has...
  29. F

    Only switches from 1st to 2nd if I pump gas

    Hello all. My 94 Ford Explorer began to get stuck in first gear. When leaving a stop light, the transmission didn't slip but the RPMs continued to climb without switching gear. I figured out that if I wait until the RPMs get around 2000, I can quickly release the gas and slowly repress the gas...
  30. H

    A/C issues

    Hey folks, Big thanks to the active forum members. This is a great place for fellow lovers of the Explorer. I have been having A/C issues for some time. Now I'm sure most of you at this point are already thinking to yourself "blend door actuator" but I don't believe that is the problem. My A/C...
  31. J

    2006 4.6 Liter V8- Cam problems

    Hi. This is my first post. I am stupid when it comes to cars. I am trying to research if "my problem" is a Ford problem. My 2006 Explorer had 32,000 miles when I bought it. Sometime after that we heard the ticking that I have since learned may be something about a stuck lash adjuster? Our...
  32. P

    4 wheel drive binding problem?

    I have a 2005 ST I have the original 16 inch rims but I put some 275/75 r16 on them and I have a2 inch torsion twist on it. The problem I am having when I engage the 4 wheel drive. It goes fine but the is a little shutter from time to time. Is sounds like a little thud! Then goes away for a...
  33. 0

    4x4 issue

    My 02 Explorer is stuck in 4 lo. I have read a lot on here and am getting a replacement 4x4 control module, but is there anyway I can get my truck back in auto 4 wheel or 2 wheel drive while waiting for my part to arrive?
  34. O

    Parking Brake Lever

    Hey guys - bought a 2002 Ex about a month ago, and the previous owner had removed the entire parking brake system on the rear end (aside from the cables that needed replacing anyway). I've installed the shoes, hardware kit, and new cables, and the lever too. Now, I've reached a problem. The...
  35. G

    Need help engine pulse

    So Ive had my 2003 sport trac for about 5 months now. It recently started pulsating upon starup. Its very hard to explain the problem. It doesnt happen in the mornings, normally when i get off of work. Ill turn the key and go to drive and it will start pulsating, its enough that it makes me move...
  36. R

    Rough Idle, Vibration in reverse gear and taking off. Help!

    So i drive a 93 xlt its all stock only 101,000miles, I hopped on county highway in front of a semi coming faster than expected so i got on my gas pretty heavy. usually the rpms will get going when i punch on it but this time the rpms kind of just took their time climbing. it didnt matter if i...
  37. R

    Knocking sound only in drive - 1992 Explorer (automatic)

    Hello, My 1992 Eddie Bauer Explorer's engine purrs along perfectly when the vehicle is in neutral or park. When I put it in gear (and the engine is warm) there is a knocking sound from underneath whenever I have my foot on the brake. When I start driving, it goes away. It doesn't happen...
  38. M

    Need Help with Sunroof problem

    I have a 2008 Ford Explorer. My sunroof will only tilt up. It will not come back down or retract. I removed the upper console to access the motor and was able to manually close the sunroof. I checked the fuses and all seem to be fine. I tested a few things and figured it was a bad motor...
  39. N

    turn signal stuck on.

    I have a problem with the right flasher. it works fine with the headlights off but when I turn the headlights on the flasher sticks on with the head lights. the bulbs are all good, changed them just to be sure and they all work individually. I think I have narrowed it down to a short in a ground...
  40. Pete165

    How to: Notchy Turn Signal Lever FIX

    Here's a fix for that annoying notchy turn signal thats hard to push. No more flashing your brights when trying to turn! Tools needed: Small flat head screw driver (For prying and scraping) Torx Screw driver (Either a T-10, or T-15, I don't remember what I used) Metric Socket & an...