reverse gear | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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reverse gear

  1. M

    New Member and new questions. :)

    Hey All!! :) Glad to be able to join this forum! I have been a dedicated Ford owner for quite some time. I test drove and agreed to buy a 2000 Explorer knowing it had a few minor issues. The main one, I am hoping to get some insight on. My Expedition that I owned did the same exact thing...
  2. T

    02 Sport Trac tranny problems

    I just got it for 2 weeks and all of a sudden, the O/D light is flashing, shifts heavily between gears and slips and when I put it in reverse, I feel it engaged in reverse but just won't back up. I checked the fluid and the color is fine and no burning smell at all. I was thinking it could be...
  3. T

    4R70W Reverse Gear Noise

    I have a 1998 Explorer with a 5.0L engine and 4R70W transmission. When I put it into reverse, it makes a whining noise similar to the noise a locked transfer case makes in 4 low. When it started doing it, it would only make the noise until I gave it gas. Lately it hasn't been stopping when I rev...