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  1. T

    ideas for a box build..

    Hello everyone, I have a 1997 ford explorer xlt, already have two 12s in a ported box, but i do have to say that the box is crappy, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for a ported box build, that still isnt too tall so I can pull the cover over it in the back... thanks
  2. L

    New set up questions

    Hey everyone! I haven't posted much here but I look around a ton. I need some help on a design I want to do with my 99 Explorer Eddie Bauer. Heres the set up: Pioneer AVH-p2300DVD Din2 Jensen Power 5500 5 Ch 60 watts rms x4 at 4ohms 250 watts x1 at 2 ohms (Im not sure about this. Any...
  3. Z

    10'' subwoofer??

    hey everyone i was wondering if one 10'' kenwood sub running at 300w rms in a ported box would give enough bass for my 96 ford explorer. i usually listen to dubstep, drum n bass, some rock and ska and alll that good stuff. thanks!!:salute:
  4. G

    custom audio

    i plan on putting a pretty large audio system in my 93 eddie bauer explorer so i want to upgrade a few of the electrical wires, its called the big three. on other cars you just have to upgrade the wire from the alternator to the battery and the grounds for both the battery and alternator, but i...
  5. K

    pros&cons to polyfill in sub enclosures

    ive heard about people putting poly-fill or foam into sub enclosures. I just wondered what the pros/cons were to putting it in there, also if anyone has already put it in thier own boxes and heard a difference? Also i heard that it creates heat inside the box...but isnt heat and enemy to...