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  1. E

    Purpose for Quick Connect Power Cable at Trailer Hitch?

    I recently purchased a 2014 PIU, and when checking out the underside, I noticed a decently thick power cable going from the front to the rear trailer hitch. I have pictures to post, but apparently while I am able to post images to the main Explorer section, I don't seem to be able to in the PIU...
  2. KurtECV

    The Black Pearl SAS and build

    Well now that Im Elite i figured Id start a thread to document my SAS build...
  3. I

    1992 Explorer XLT WARN Manual Hubs

    Hello all, Experienced DIY mechanic with zero experience with 4x4 hubs of any type. Here's the scoop: truck is bone stock aside from WARN manual hubs on the front. With hubs unlocked and xfer case in 2WD, no noise from the front end. With hubs locked and xfer case in 4WD, there is a loud...
  4. F

    Warn Industries Grille Guard 97 Explorer

    I was just wondering if this is a reliable product for my 97 explorer http://www.oreillyauto.com/site/c/detail/WAR0/30146.oap?year=1997&make=Ford&model=Explorer&vi=1119675&forcedVehicle=true&pt=01022&ppt=C0339 i've been looking for a cheap idea to put lights on the front of my truck. This...