“Surge” after cold start? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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“Surge” after cold start?


Active Member
April 25, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Bethel, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Ford Explorer Sport
Good Morning,

My 13 Explorer Sport just hit 100k yesterday. I did an oil change and rotated the tires with a quick visual inspection of the under carriage/suspension components while it was on the lift and everything looks to be good shape. Took a test drive and all seemed right. I parked the car for the night.

I mention all this simply because I don’t believe in coincidences...

So the next morning I load the kids up to take them to school I back out of the garage put it in drive to pull out and the car does a sort of surge as if the gas pedal was being modulated, or similar to the way a 4x4 feels when the front axles are engaging that sort of slip in “clunk”. I drove 30-40 miles for 3 trips and it never did it again. This morning same thing happened. I can’t replicate it once the engine is warm but I intend to try it again tomorrow morning.

My oil level is good and I’m using proper weight oil. Just switched from rotella t6 to Pennzoil platinum full synthetic for turbo engines. With OEM filter.

All lug nuts were torqued with a torque wrench and there are no mechanical clunks or creaks when I modulate the suspension by hand that I can blame. Anyone have any thoughts as to what I should be looking at?

Fortunately I have another 3years/50k Mike’s of Powertrain warranty so other than properly diagnosing the issue I don’t have any major concerns.
