01 sport - 4.0 SOHC STS turbo charged (Project complete) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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01 sport - 4.0 SOHC STS turbo charged (Project complete)


Explorer Addict
May 6, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Huntsville, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
01 Sport
4.0 SOHC turbo charger project

Guys - I'm done....well, almost (you know how that goes)

I've drove the truck around today very safely and all I can say is wow...I love this and I'm very glad I did it. I'll have to say I went thru a lot to get this far and lost a few buddies along the way. :(

I'm gonna try like heck to get you guys some videos soon but right now I need to chill cuss my wife is pissed. I've been working on this truck when I should be working on the house, but oh well. blah blah blah.

I've got the boost at around 5 LBS and that's where it's gonna stay until I can get the MAF, injectors, and fuel pump in. Oh yeah, I'm running the 73MM C&L housing and stock injectors and pump. Anyways, I'll be changing those out and tuning the thing out pretty soon - I can then take her to the track and see what happens.....

This is what I've been wanting for two years now so I'm a little excited that it's here now. Not trying to make a drama thread here but I'm happy to join James in the STS 4.0 SOHC circle. Now let me see if I can out run him? :p:

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WAY TO GO....thats awesome man, i want a full report, with dyno's and 1/4 mile times :D...we just need to get that STS to be STS 4.0 Explorer turbo kit, instead of an STS universal kit...cant wait to see some videos :salute:

jakee is ur sport now turbo charged now

Very good, well done. Take it easy to begin with check it all twice. Regards,

Here's the full report so far - I'm not getting in the throttle at all really - I've only opened the wastegate one time and got right off it. (staring the entire time at the wideband to make sure things are good) 5LBS of boost and it pulls pretty hard at half throttle.

Yes - I'm turbo charged now...just got to iron out the little things now.

I'm taking it really easy.

and thanks for the support guys.

pictures? :D

Jakee Im so happy u did this and stuck thru it, I cant wait to see a vid of that rippin up a block or sitting on a face of a v8 just killin it, room room shhhh,

Thanks man. I'm pretty happy too. There were times during this project that I felt like nothing was going right and it would never get done but now that's all forgot.


(My impression of a turbo sound)


Guys - I'm done....well, almost (you know how that goes)

I've drove the truck around today very safely and all I can say is wow...I love this and I'm very glad I did it. I'll have to say I went thru a lot to get this far and lost a few buddies along the way. :(

I'm gonna try like heck to get you guys some videos soon but right now I need to chill cuss my wife is pissed. I've been working on this truck when I should be working on the house, but oh well. blah blah blah.

I've got the boost at around 5 LBS and that's where it's gonna stay until I can get the MAF, injectors, and fuel pump in. Oh yeah, I'm running the 73MM C&L housing and stock injectors and pump. Anyways, I'll be changing those out and tuning the thing out pretty soon - I can then take her to the track and see what happens.....

This is what I've been wanting for two years now so I'm a little excited that it's here now. Not trying to make a drama thread here but I'm happy to join James in the STS 4.0 SOHC circle. Now let me see if I can out run him? :p:

I am ready, you name the place. I bet it won't happen! I have a good tuner-LOL! Furthermore, it will take you a while to learn how to "drive" the thing at the track. Patience grasshopper! As far as loosing friends along the way, you did it to yourself.-j

I'm a fast learner but I have along ways to go yet.

Patience, patience, patience... Jake you almost have a decent setup but don't get ****y about it yet. Finish it, get it tuned, and drive it at the track a while and then you can maybe start setting up races. James has quite a number of mods on you still so do not be surprised if you take a raping if you do race him. Not being a jerk but you need to pick on the smaller "dogs" before working up to a bigger "dog" like James and his X.

As far as loosing friends along the way, you did it to yourself.-j

Tis true.

dont forget to a video once its done getting turbo charged

I honestly don't know why you think I'm getting ****y about anything. I'm not - I'm just excited to get this done! and the comment about "out running" James was just a little shop talk so please don't take that as me being ****y. I'm pretty humble actually.

Yes - I know I'll get rapped by a tuner that has been driving his STS turbo truck for the past two years, and making a lot of mods along the way to make it better.

And yes, I did it to myself - I felt I had no other choice.

I could go on but I'll stop right here. Let's all stop together - please.

I'll get you guys some pics soon and videos too.

Get some vids and pics. What muffler did you finally end up with? This is one area I am considering changing. My truck is just too damn loud, the Dynomax race bullet I use essentially does nothing. I am considering a Hooker (I said Hooker,lol!)Aerochamber. Is your truck loud,tolerable or just have a mellow tone? Curious....:scratch:

I used the borla pro xs 3” single inlet; 2.5” Duel outlet and then merged the duel outlet into on 3” single exhaust. It’s not loud and sounds okay so for. Yesterday was the first time I had the tailpipe on so I need to drive it a little more before I make the final conclusion.

I had a big scare yesterday. The rear 02 sensor harnesses was not wired up out of the way (this harness is not being used anymore) and it fell on top of the exhaust and melted. It made the truck throw 11 codes and run like crap. After I located the problem, I fixed and everything went back to normal. – Just a little hiccup.

I plan on getting you guys pics for sure this weekend, and hopefully some vids. Again, I’m playing it very safe but so far the air/fuel has been good and I’ve pulled out timing with the x-cal until I’m ready.

First round of pics and my camera sucks.

First pic is the check valve and the STS actuator valve for the PVC system. *note - didn't use the sts supplied check valve.

Next pic is where the oil is returning from the turbo. These lines are the Russell pro classic hoses.

This is an attempt to show where I'm feeding the the turbo with oil. I used the oil pressure sending unit for this and t'd off it. The feed line is 4AN line I had custom made (60" long to get to the turbo)

Next is a close up shot of the dirty volant filter that I need to replace. This part of the set-up needs attention. I need to figure out somehow to close the filter in to protect cuss it's behind and inline with the front right tire.

To be continued.....

This is where the oil pump is located. Look to the top right and you see where I had to come thru the frame with the intake pipe to the turbo. I'm laying right behind the right front tire to take this shot.

Another shot of the filter and frame plate support for intake.

Tail pipe coming out the back.

Tail pipe coming out the back....(And what you'll see if you line up with me......JUST JOKING!!!)


The dirty ole ****pit again. *note - I finally found a true "full length sport console" - the one with a 1 pc cup holder. The other one I had was the two pc design like you mostly see in the explorers.

Another shot.

Oh - And I think I bought to much piping???? This is what's left.

Couplers left - I just couldn't get into the "blue" couplers so I replaced with black.

Borla pro XS muffler print. I finally got the sound I was looking for by going with this muffler. The more it "wears in" the better I like it. FINALLY, after three different exhaust set-ups!

Engine bay. Most of what you see here is a temp job. The MAF and intake tube into TB is being replaced so I just plugged in the Hobbs switch for the time being. *note - I started replacing all the "Blue neon" hose cover I had....I thought it looked to "ricer".

Tail 50MM BOV.

This is the charge pipe coming from the turbo, and where the 2" to 2-1/2" transition occurs.

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