01 sport brakes on a 2000 mountaineer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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01 sport brakes on a 2000 mountaineer


September 1, 2015
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pekin Il
Year, Model & Trim Level
01 explorer sport
I just bought a 2000 mountainer for the wife and it needs front pads and rotors. I have a good set from my 01 sport from when i put on slotted rotors. Will they fit? Autozone says different part numbers but since i have extra mounts and calupers can i do the swap?

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The 95-01 Explorers which have 11" rotors use a different spindle than the 12" rotor trucks. Your 01 Sport was the first model to get the different spindles, and matching 12" rotors. Those later spindles(2WD or 4WD parts) can go onto any earlier 95-01 Explorers, but of course swapping spindles requires some work, and an alignment.

The real difference is that the caliper mounting holes in the spindles are moved 1/2", that's all. I have those 12" brakes on my 99 mail truck. I did that in 2006, now I'm moving my spindles around, the 12" spindles to go on my spare SUV(Mercury).

Cryo rotors 2001+.JPG


So being a favricator i could weld a bushing in the 01 mount couldnt i?

So being a favricator i could weld a bushing in the 01 mount couldnt i?
You have a spindle similar to my right one above(99 Explorer), and your 01 Sport was like the left one. The caliper bracket holes are 1/2" farther out on the later spindles. You can't make an adapter to use one caliper bracket on the other spindle. The threads are in the caliper bracket.

It would be much safer and easier to get a pair of used knuckles to swap in.

I have another set of brackets off of a sport. If the hole needs to be smaller for the spindle i could put a bushing in the hole to make it smaller (if needed).

The brackets and bolts are the same or interchange. The hole is moved in your Sport model's spindle, look above at the picture I posted. The caliper locates outward 1/2" farther due to the hole movement, thus they take a 1" larger rotor. The only way to use the bigger rotors is to swap the spindles. You'll be better off selling the extra rotors and pads to someone with a Sport Trac or 01-03 Sport.
